
OwlVision GDSII Viewer / News: Recent posts

OwlVision 1.1.10 released

OwlVision 1.1.10 has been released. This release fixed a bug related to ASCII_to_GDSII.

Posted by I-Lun Tseng 2007-12-16

OwlVision 1.1.9 released

OwlVision 1.1.9 has been released. This release fixed a bug related to ASCII_to_GDSII.

Posted by I-Lun Tseng 2007-05-29

OwlVision 1.1.8 released

OwlVision 1.1.8 has been released.

Posted by I-Lun Tseng 2007-04-26

OwlVision 1.1.7 released

OwlVision 1.1.7 has been released.

You can now open a GDSII file via drag-and-drop. Also, the "Depth" function on the tool bar has been implemented.

Posted by I-Lun Tseng 2006-11-24

OwlVision 1.1.6 released

OwlVision 1.1.6 has been released. You can now change layer colors through Graphical User Interface (GUI). Note that 'color.txt' now has an extra column 'Fill', which controls if the interior of polygons should be filled with chosen colors. The settings of layer colors and fills can be saved to 'color.txt' or other file names via "File --> Save Layer Color Settings ..." on the main menu.

Posted by I-Lun Tseng 2006-11-22

OwlVision 1.1.5 released

OwlVision GDSII Viewer version 1.1.5 has been released. You may now run OwlVision via web browsers ( ).

Posted by I-Lun Tseng 2006-11-20