
Build notes

David Rothenberg


The following are community contributed build notes for various platforms that are not officially supported by MITRE. Thanks to everyone who has contributed build notes.

If you would like to contribute build notes for a particular platform, please send an email to and we can work with you to get them posted here.

Solaris 11 Build Instructions

Author: Juan Castro

Tested on Solaris 11 Express, gcc/g++ compiler. This may work for other versions of Solaris 11 (e.g. OpenIndiana), but you may have to install pcre and/or libgcrypt by hand. In my system, pcre came without the include files, so I had to grab "headers-pcre" from the package manager.

  • Download Xalan 1.10.0 sources from
  • Download Xerces 2.8.0 (NOT the 3.x version!) from
  • Download OVALdi 5.8.2 from
  • Installing Xerces:

    cd /usr/src
    gzcat <download-path>/xerces-c-src_2_8_0.tar.gz | tar xvf
    export XERCESCROOT=/usr/src/xerces-c-src_2_8_0
    cd src/xercesc
    sh runConfigure -p solaris -c gcc -x g++ -P /usr/local
    make && make install
  • Installing Xalan

    cd /usr/src
    gzcat <download-path>/Xalan-C_1_10_0-src.tar.gz | tar xvf
    export XERCESCROOT=/usr/local
    export XALANCROOT=/usr/src/xml-xalan/c
    sh runConfigure -p solaris -c gcc -x g++ -P /usr/local
    make && make install
  • Building OVALdi

    cd /usr/src
    bzcat <download-path>/ovaldi-5.8.2-src.tar.bz2 | tar xvf
    cd ovaldi-5.8.2-src
    Edit src/Digest.cpp, replace all instances of "#if defined SUNOS" with "#if defined         WAYOLDSUNOS"
    cd project/solaris
    Edit Makefile and include -I/usr/include/pcre in the INCDIRS list

You now have a working ovaldi executable in /usr/src/ovaldi-5.8.2-src/project/solaris/Release. To run it, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable must contain the path /usr/local/lib. The safest way to run it is with

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH <path-to-executable>/ovaldi

Or, better yet, add /usr/local/lib permanently to the system library search path with the following command:

crle -l /usr/local/lib -u

WARNING: If you forget the -u switch above your system will become UNUSABLE!

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Build Instructions

Author: Nate Przybyszewski

Please note that these instructions assume that the required libraries are already installed.

  1.  wget
  2.  rpm2cpio ovaldi-5.9.1-1.fc15.src.rpm | cpio -idmv
  3.  tar xvfj ovaldi-5.9.1-src.tar.bz2
  4.  mv ovaldi-5.9.1*.* ovaldi-5.9.1-src/
  5.  cd ovaldi-5.9.1-src
  6.  patch -p1 < ovaldi-5.9.1-rpm46.patch
  7.  cd project/Linux
  8.  vim Makefile
  9.  add -D_RPM_4_4_COMPAT to CPPFLAGS
  10. make

Ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04 Build Instructions

Author: Anne

Since building ovaldi on Ubuntu is really complex and there is no detailed instruction for it, I hope the following experience could help others save time for fixing some problems you may face. Some errors did not come up when I built them for a second time. So the errors are just for reference.

This build process has been tested on Ubunt 8.04 and Ubuntu 10.04 successfully.

Note: If you want to build ovaldi-5.9.1 by yourself, you should first remove other versions by "sudo apt-get remove ovaldi"

Note: Both Xerces and Xalanc should be built from scratch. Sometimes the binary package does not work with the source file builds. So we should not install one of them automatically and build the other one from scratch.

  1. PCRE (Perl-compatible regular-expression) Library

  • Go to download and build according to the Readme and installation instruction.

Simple steps:

Make install 
Make installcheck
Make clean
  1. Xerces Library

The OVAL Interpreter uses the open source Xerces library. The binary was compiled with version 2.7.0 of the xerces-c library.

Older releases:
Download: xerces-c-src_2_7_0.tar.gz
(Revise20110711):What I used in ubuntu 8.04 is xerces-c-current.tar.gz
Follow the instructions to build:

Simple steps:

export XERCESCROOT=<full-path-to-xerces-c-src_2_7_0>   :note, you should pay attention to the typo!!!

cd src/xercesc
./runConfigure -plinux -cgcc -xg++ -minmem -nsocket -tnative -rpthread
make clean
Make install    (this cannot be ignored!!!)

Important: check whether Xerces Library is really installed after the installation is completed. We can use the command "locate xerces", or go to the directory /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include to see whether there are files related to xerces. If yes, then OK.

  1. Xalan Library
    Download Xalan:

Simple steps:

export XALANCROOT=/home/mydir/xml-xalan/c
cd xml-xalan/c
./runConfigure -plinux -cgcc -xg++
make clean
Or make all 
Make install

Important: check whether Xalanc Library is really installed after the installation is completed. We can go to the directory /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include to see whether there are files related to xalanc. If yes, then OK.

Before build Xalan, you should first build Xerces.

The OVAL Interpreter uses the open source Xalan library. The binary was compiled with version 1.10.0 of the xalan-c library.

When try to ./runConfigure, run into
Permission denied
This maybe caused by the Xerces. So you should first build Xerces 2.7 from scratch, rather than sudo apt-get install on Ubuntu by :
Sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libxerces-c-dev libxml-security-c-dev

When make Xalan-c, run into a Error:
Make[1]: ***[../../obj/XalanDOMString.o] Error 1

Fix method:
Go to /xml-xalan/c/src/xalanc/XalanDOM/XalanDOMString.cpp
And add
#include <cstring>
into the file.

Then comes another error:
/home/…/xml-xalanc/XMLSupport/FormatterToHTML.cpp:175:error:'memset' was not declared in this scope
Make[1]: ***[../../obj/FormatterToHTML.o] Error 1

So the solution is to go to the FormatterToHTML.cpp file located in the given directory, and include <cstring>.
It is very simple. But how to find the way to fix this kind of problems is important!!!

Similarly, you will run into another error:
/xml-xalan/c/src/xalanc/XSLT/EleNumber.cpp:1472:error:'memset' was not declared in this scope
Make[1]: ***[../../obj/EleNumber.o] Error 1

/xml-xalan/c/src/xalanc/PlatformSupport/DirectoryEnumerator.hpp:346:error:'strlen' was not declared in this scope
Make[1]: ***[../../obj/TestXPath.o] Error 1


  1. RPM
    yum install rpm
    Apt-get install rpm
    We'd better also install librpm-dev to avoid further errors

So it is
apt-get install rpm librpm-dev
For more information about RPM please visit:

  1. APT

Already have apt in Ubuntu
The OVAL Interpreter can be compiled to utilize libraries provided by
the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) in order to complete certain APT-specific tasks.
Utilizing APT libraries will allow the OVAL Interpreter to execute DPKG

  For more information about APT please visit:
  1. Libgcrypt Library

    Before install Libgcrypt, you should first download and install libgpg-error:
    Refer to Readme file for installation method.

Here is a quick summary:
1) Check that you have unmodified sources. You can find instructions how to verify the sources below. Don't skip this - it is an important step!
2) Unpack the archive. With GNU tar you can do it this way:
"tar xjvf libgpg-error-x.y.tar.bz2"
3) "cd libgpg-error-x.y"
4) "./configure"
5) "make"
6) "make install"

  1. OpenLDAP Library

Before you install OPENLDAP , you should first install Berkeley DB library. Following the file in docs/installation/build_unix.html.
Download Berkeley DB:
Here I chose 4.7.25 because 5.1.25 has some problem, it cannot be detected by OpenLAD. Always has the error:
OpenLDAP- configure error: BDB/HDB:Berkeley DB not available.

Go to build_unix
make install

After installed Berkeley DB, if we began to ./configure OpenLDAP directory, we will run into an error:
OpenLDAP- configure error: BDB/HDB:Berkeley DB not available. Even if we have installed Berkeley DB!!!
We should first export variables.

LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.7/lib -R/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.3/lib"
export LDFLAGS


Pasted from;
The source code is also available at the above Web site.

Simple steps for OpenLDAP 2.4.23

Make depend
Make install


After installing the PCRE, Xerces, Xalan, and Libgcrypt libraries, change into the

    <path to ovaldi directory>\project\linux

  From that directory, simply run "make" to build the OVAL Interpreter.

1.Error: ../../XmlCommon.h:47: fatal error: xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp: No such file or directory
I opened the XmlCommon.h file and found it has
#include <xercesc dom="" DOM.hpp="">

So I guess the reason it cannot find the header files is because they are not in the same directory of this XmlCommon.h file.
I searched a lot on the internet and tried to find out the correct way of adding header files from other directory. The solution said that we should add the directory of the header files into the header file search path of this project. But I didn't know where to find the search path of ovaldi. Then I read a lot of webpages and realized that maybe the search path is included in the MAKEfile of ovaldi. So I edited the MAKEfile, it indeed worked!
Solution: just add
Into the INCDIRS.
Like INCDIRS = -I/home/xiaoyan/ovalbuild/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/include/ -I/usr/local/include…….

Note that <xercesc dom="" DOM.hpp=""> is right in the directory of /home/xiaoyan/ovalbuild/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/include/
The directory should be connected smoothly. So you should not add
But exactly /home/xiaoyan/ovalbuild/xerces-c-src_2_7_0/include/

2.Error: ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.h:36: fatal error: rpm/rpmlib.h: No such file or directory
By using "locate rpm" I found that there is no "include" file. So I have to install the RPM headers package.

Sudo apt-get install librpm-dev (This should be done)

3.Error:../../src/probes/independent/XmlFileContentProbe.h:45:fatal error: xalanc/Include/PlatformDefinitions.hpp: No such file or directory
Solution: add
Into the INCDIRS.


../../src/probes/linux/RPMInforProbe.h : int_32 is not declared in this scope or int_32 is not a type name?
Like this.
So I checked the file, and find that there is not type define for int_32. and then I searched on the internet, and find it is defined in rpmdb/header.h file. But since there is no rpmdb/header.h file in the rpm include directory, so I just edited the /usr/include/rpm/header.h file, and added one line:
typedef int int_32;

Refer to

Then it works.

5.Error: I got the error as below:
g++ -Wall -O -DLINUX -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I../../src/linux -I../../src -I../../src/probes/unix -I../../src/probes/linux -I../../src/probes/independent -DPACKAGE_RPM -c -o ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.o ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.cpp ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.cpp: In member function ‘StringVector InetListeningServersProbe::GetProtocols(ObjectEntity)’: ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.cpp:310: warning: the address of ‘allProtocols’ will always evaluate as ‘true’ ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.cpp: In member function ‘StringVector InetListeningServersProbe::GetLocalAddresses(std::string, ObjectEntity)’: ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.cpp:422: warning: the address of ‘allLocalAddresses’ will always evaluate as ‘true’ ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.cpp: In member function ‘StringVector InetListeningServersProbe::GetLocalPorts(std::string, std::string, ObjectEntity)’: ../../src/probes/linux/InetListeningServersProbe.cpp:538: warning: the address of ‘allLocalPorts’ will always evaluate as ‘true’ g++ -Wall -O -DLINUX -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I../../src/linux -I../../src -I../../src/probes/unix -I../../src/probes/linux -I../../src/probes/independent -DPACKAGE_RPM -c -o ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.o ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp: In member function ‘StringVector RPMInfoProbe::GetRPMNames(ObjectEntity)’: ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:181: warning: the address of ‘allNames’ will always evaluate as ‘true’ ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp: In member function ‘char RPMInfoProbe::readHeaderString(headerToken_s, int_32)’: ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:391: error: ‘headerGetEntry’ was not declared in this scope ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp: In member function ‘int_32 RPMInfoProbe::readHeaderInt32(headerToken_s, int_32)’: ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:413: error: ‘headerGetEntry’ was not declared in this scope ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp: In member function ‘void RPMInfoProbe::ChildGetSigKeyId(int, int, std::string)’: ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:456: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char’ ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:457: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char’ ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:458: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char’ ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:498: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char’ to ‘char const’ ../../src/probes/linux/RPMInfoProbe.cpp:498: error: initializing argument 3 of ‘int rpmcliQuery(rpmts_s, rpmQVKArguments_s, char const)’

Reply from someone:

I think the show-stopper build errors come from your rpm library, which is newer than what ovaldi supports, and isn't likely fixable without significantly rewriting the RPM info probe. What you might try is removing support for the RPM-related tests altogether, so it never attempts to compile that code. That should be pretty simple: just modify the makefile, commenting out the value for the PACKAGE_RPM variable.

Pasted from;

So I changed the Makefile in ovaldi-5.9.1-src/project/linux:
vi Makefile
Comment the line:
// PACKAGE_RPM = $(shell /usr/bin/env rpm --version 2>/dev/null)

../../src/probes/linux/DPKGInfoProbe.h:36: fatal error: apt-pkg/progress.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

Solution: sudo apt-get install libapt-pkg-dev


/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxerces-c

root@nfs-desktop:/home/xiaoyan/ovaldi-5.9.1-src/project/linux# cd /usr/lib
root@nfs-desktop:/usr/lib# ln -s ./ ./
root@nfs-desktop:/usr/lib# ln -s ./ ./


But actually the version of libxerces I built is 2.7, not 2.8. Something must go wrong when I tried different versions on the machine. When I go to /usr/lib, I can found, but no So I tried to rebuild libxerces 2.7 and libxalan 1.10 from scratch again. And then I found all the files of version 2.7 is located in /usr/local/lib, not /usr/lib.

OVAL Builds simple process:
Go to ovaldi-5.9.1-src/project/linux
Make clean
Then it will product a new executable file in /linux/Release/ovaldi
To execute it, use
./ovaldi -m -o definitions.xml

When I use the oval.xml ( )as the definitions.xml file to scan the system, ovaldi produced an error: xerces memory not enough, things like that...
The reason is because the definitions.html file contains all the systems and it is too big for my computer. So I changed to another small file which only contains information about unix,
unix.xml ( )
Then finally the ovaldi 5.9.1 worked on ubuntu.
Note: some monthly archive does not work well because the definition method is different. It always prompt: data type not defined, or things like this.