
OVal 1.40 released

OVal is a pragmatic, easy to use and extensible object validation framework for Java 5 or later. Constraints can be declared via annotations (@NotNull), POJOs or using XML configuration files. Custom constraints can be expressed in pure Java or by using scripting languages such as JavaScript, Groovy, BeanShell, OGNL, MVEL or Ruby. OVal can optionally use AspectJ to enforce automatic validation (programming by contract aka Design by Contract).

+ added support for conditional constraint activation (added the when="" attribute)
* upgraded to GNU Trove 2.0.4, SLF4J 1.5.8, JRuby 1.3.1, Rhino 1.7R2, Groovy 1.6.4, MVEL 2.0.13, Paranamer 2.1
- parameter "declaringClass" of @AssertFieldConstraints was ignored during constraint validation
- fixed [ 2836116 ] DateRangeCheck contains bug in getMinMillis()
+ implemented [ 2821805] @DateRange should be tolerant
- corrected checking of BigDecimal by @NotNegative constraint (thanks to Saleem)
+ added tolerance to @Past and @Future
+ implemented [ 2859133 ] Enhancement:@MatchPattern should be able to negate the match (thanks to Eric Lewis)
+ added ConstraintViolation.getCheckDeclaringContext() (thanks to Eric Lewis)
+ added appliesTo() attribute to constraints allowing to control if and how validation should be applied to childs of arrays, maps and collections (thanks to tomtran711)
- fixed [ 2799870 ] Wrong escaped unicode sequences in

Visit the project page at
Download the release:

Posted by Seb 2009-09-26

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