Anonymous - 2004-05-26

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Sorry forgot one thing: The call to setlocale(LC_ALL,
$lang); is itself not so nice.

This is because LC_ALL also sets the number formatting to
the corresponding locale. In german numbers are with "," as
decimal separator in opposite to "." This in turn results in
many database errors whenever decimal numbers are involved,
because the numbers are internally transformed corresponding
to the locale and mySQL does not like "," as a decimal
separator :(

The quick fix is to replace setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang); with
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $lang);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $lang);
in include/general.php

The drawback is that all numbers will be displayed
unlocalized. The real sollution would be to provide a filter
at database acces to normalize all numbers to SQL standard.

For the whole setlocale stuff see also the discussion at: