
#11 Go beyond purely amplitude modulation for tremulant


It seems to me now that the most noticeable limitation of GO (at least on some music) is the lack of a realistic tremulant. While tremulant on real pipe organs is primarily amplitude modulation it isn't purely AM. I notice a little bit of freq. modulation and variation in timbre. In theater organs it is very pronounced, but even in classical organs it is at least subtly present. I notice another feature request for sampled tremulant support. I can see that being useful also, but probably adds a lot to the sample set requirements. --Mark


  • CatOrg

    CatOrg - 2014-07-09

    I agree. Woud it be possible to use the frequency-infos of the wav-file (if any) and modulate this parameter?

  • Matthew Truong

    Matthew Truong - 2019-07-08

    I second CatOrg - it shouldn't be too hard to have the tremulant synthesizer modulate frequency as well, given that frequency is already modified by temperaments etc. Or is my thinking too naive here...

  • astazou

    astazou - 2019-09-08

    I second also CatOrg & Matt Truong. The ampltude only tremulant is incredibly dull

  • cyberorganist

    cyberorganist - 2020-07-18

    Has any progress been made on implementing this feature? I would love to see an improved tremulant model happen, and am happy to help in any way possible to make this important feature a reality. I'm currently in the beginning stages of learning C++. Once I reach a level of proficiency, I'll be of more help. But in the meantime, I'm certainly happy to be a tester for any development work on this. It seems to me that if LFO pitch manipulation were added to GrandOrgue, it could open up the door for a wind model as well.