
Tree [58b85c] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 cdriver 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 src 2009-11-24 cypherpunk cypherpunk [e95b0f] Fix MAC in the case where flags != 0x00; thanks...
 COPYING 2010-01-19 cypherpunk cypherpunk [58b85c] The license is LGPL, matching the README.
 README 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 build 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 clean 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 makedoc 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 otr-bb.jdp 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 otr-bb.jdw 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 otr-client.jdp 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 otr-iface.jdp 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 private_key 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 run_alice 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 run_bob 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision
 run_test 2009-10-03 cypherpunk cypherpunk [f80964] Initial revision

Read Me

		 Java Off-the-Record Messaging Library
			 v. 0.1.0, 3 Oct 2009

This is a library in Java which implements Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging.

OTR allows you to have private conversations over IM by providing:
 - Encryption
   - No one else can read your instant messages.
 - Authentication
   - You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is.
 - Deniability
   - The messages you send do _not_ have digital signatures that are
     checkable by a third party.  Anyone can forge messages after a
     conversation to make them look like they came from you.  However,
     _during_ a conversation, your correspondent is assured the messages
     he sees are authentic and unmodified.
 - Perfect forward secrecy
   - If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation
     is compromised.

For more information on Off-the-Record Messaging, see


1. Initialization

You will need a UserState.  A UserState encapsulates the
list of known fingerprints and the list of private keys, so it should be
"one per user".  Many OTR-enabled programs (such as IM clients) only have a 
single user, so for them, you can just create a single one, and use it
throughout.  Create a UserState as follows:

    UserState us = new UserState
			(new ca.uwaterloo.crysp.otr.crypt.jca.JCAProvider());

2. Setting up the UI functions

You need to let the library know how to do any UI it might require
(error messages, confirming new fingerprints, etc.).  To this end, you
need to define a number of UI functions, and collect them in an
OTRCallbacks class.

You can find a list of the UI functions in .

3. Sending messages

When you have a message you're about to send, you'll need to know four
things: you account name, the protocol id, the name of the recipient, and
the message.

The protocol id is just a unique string that is used to distinguish
the user foo on AIM from the user foo on MSN, etc.  It can be anything
you like, so long as you're consistent, but if you've got nothing better
to use, you may as well use the ids from pidgin.  (Programs that use the
same protocol ids can share fingerprint and private key files.)  The
pidgin protocol id for AIM/ICQ is "prpl-oscar".

Note that a name does not uniquely identify a user (as shown by the
"foo" example above).  Even if you know both the name and the protocol,
it may not identify the user, since there may be multiple "foo" users on
IRC, on different servers.  But the *three* items (your account name,
protocol id, their name) _must_ uniquely identify a user, so your
account name needs to include any network identifier, such as a server
name.  Examples would be "" or "".
Protocols such as AIM that do not have separate networks can just use
"foo", of course.

To encrypt the message (if necessary; the library keeps track of which
users you have secure connections to, so you should *always* call this
next function), simply do this:

	String result = conn.messageSending(accountname, protocol,
	        recipient, message, tlvs, fragmentPolicy, callback);

tlvs should usually be null.  If it's not, then it points to an array of
OTRTLVs which represent machine-readable data to send along with this

If an OTRException is thrown, then the library tried to encrypt the
message, but for some reason failed.  DO NOT send the message in the
clear in that case.

If the result String is non-NULL, then you
should replace your message with the contents of the result, and
send that instead.

Once the message is encrypted, it may still be too large to send over
the network in a single piece.  fragmentPolicy determines which, if any,
fragments to return instead of sending them immediately.  For example,
you may wish to send all fragments except the last one, which is handled
differently.  Valid policies may be found in . If you want to
send the message by yourself, set it to Policy.FRAG_SEND_SKIP, and the
result String will be returned.

4. Receiving messages

Receiving messages is similarly straightforward.  Again, you need to
know four things: your account name, the protocol id, the sender's name,
and the message.

	StringTLV stlv = conn.messageReceiving(accountname, protocol,
	        recipient, message, callback);

If messageReceiving returns null, then the message you received was
an internal protocol message, and no message should be delivered to the

If it returns non-null, then replace the received message with the 
contents of msg in stlv, and deliver that to the user instead.  

If the tlvs portion of stlv is set to non-null, then there is
machine-readable data that was sent along with this message.

5. Socialist Millionaires' Protocol

The Socialist Millionaires' Protocol (SMP) is a way to detect
eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks without requiring users to
work with fingerprints.  This feature was added to the C version of
libotr starting in version 3.1.0. 

In version 3.0.0, the only method available to authenticate a buddy was
fingerprint verification.  However, many users who are unfamiliar with
cryptography do not understand what a fingerprint is or how it is useful.
Also, the verification itself relied on the user obtaining an authentic
copy of the other party's fingerprint somehow.  The simplest way to do so
may be to relay the displayed hexadecimal values during a phone call,
but this is a large enough hassle that many users omit fingerprint
verification altogether.

To allow for a method of authentication that is both easier to understand
and easier to use, OTR now includes the Socialist Millionaires' Protocol
(SMP).  SMP runs as follows: each user inputs a secret string, say "x"
and "y".  They then exchange a series of messages which reveal the value
of (x==y), but no additional information about the inputs.  This allows
users to determine whether they hold the same secret information with no
danger of revealing that secret to an attacker.

To see how this is useful for authentication in OTR, assume that Alice
and Bob are chatting over OTR for the first time, though they know each
other well in real life.  Alice may send Bob the following message:
"Let's make our shared secret the name of that restaurant we both like
in Ottawa."

Now Alice and Bob run SMP.  If Alice is actually talking to Bob directly,
then they will both type in the same restaurant name and SMP will return
success (x==y).  However, if an attacker is impersonating Bob or trying
to eavesdrop on the conversation, they will have no idea which restaurant
Alice has in mind, and will type in an incorrect value, causing SMP to
fail.  Note that for security reasons, the values compared in the SMP
are actually hashes of several pieces of data, including both parties'
fingerprints, along with their respective secrets.  The users, however,
are never exposed to this additional data.

Thus, SMP turns the problem of obtaining an authentic copy of a
fingerprint into the much simpler problem of obtaining any shared secret,
or simply of drawing on shared experiences to generate one.

For detailed information on how SMP works, see the paper by Boudot,
Schoenmakers and Traore titled "A Fair and Efficient Solution to the
Socialist Millionaires Problem" (2001), on which our solution is based.

5.1 Using SMP

Recall from above that SMP takes one input string from each
user and outputs either failure or success.  You will also need the
appropriate ConnContext, which can be obtained as

        OTRContext conn = us.getContext(username, protocol, recipient);

5.1.1. Initiating

If you wish to initiate SMP for a user named Alice, you would use
ConnContext.initiateSmp() or ConnContext.initiateSmp_q():

	conn.initiateSmp(secret, callback);
	conn.initiateSmp_q(question, secret, callback);

Here, secret is the secret text as entered by Alice,
for example, "kitten", and question is the suggested question entered
by Alice, for example, "What is my favorite pet?" This method will cause
 a message to be sent containing an appropriate TLV.SMP1 .

5.1.2. Responding

If you wish to continue SMP by supplying the secret for a second user
named Bob, you would use ConnContext.respondSmp():

	conn.respondSmp(secret, callback);

The arguments for this method are the same as ConnContext.initiateSmp().
This method will send a message with an appropriate TLV.SMP2.

5.1.3. Aborting

If you wish to abort SMP for any reason, including errors occuring
during the protocol, you should use ConnContext.abortSmp():


This method will cause the other user to abandon the current state of
SMP by sending an appropriate TLV.SMP_ABORT .

6. Demo Application

There is a demo application in the package ca.uwaterloo.crysp.otr.demo.
To be able to run the demo, make sure you are using Sun JRE.

Example of how to run the demo under Linux:

First run ./build to compile the source. You need to install libotr to
compile the c version of the demo. If you don't have it, you can still
run two java instances.

Next, run ./run_alice (or ./run_alice_c if you have compiled the c
version), and then run ./run_bob. There should be messages showing
"Connected to Alice" and "Connected to Bob".

Next, type any messages(not starting with '/') in either console. The
messages will be automatically encrypted. Both the encrypted and the
plaintext messages will be displayed.

If you want to start SMP, type "/is", or "/isq" if you have a suggested
question for the other side. The commands to respond to and abort SMP
are "/rs" and "/as" respectively.
To end the private conversation, type "/disc" (disconnect).

7. Demo Application on BlackBerry Simulator

To demonstrate that it is easy to migrate this library onto different
platforms (with different cryptography library providers), we also
implemented the library on BlackBerry simulator (J2ME, with RIM crypto

To run the demo application, you will need to install BlackBerry JDE. 

Steps to run the demo on BlackBerry simulator:

First start BlackBerry JDE, and open otr-bb.jdw in the java-otr

Next, select "Build->Build All and Run" in the menu. The BlackBerry
simulator will startup.

Next, in the simulator, choose "Downloads -> otr-client". The demo will

Next, start either ./run_alice or ./run_alice_c on your local machine,
and type the ip address or domain name, and port number 3333, into the
demo application on Blackberry simulator. Click "Connect", and the two
clients will be connected.

Then, type any messages in either client. The messages will be
automatically encrypted.

8. Known Issues

It is possible for some machines to halt at the keypair generation
process, possibly due to the machine-specific randomness generation.


The Java Off-the-Record Messaging library is
covered by the following (LGPL) license:

  Java OTR library
  Copyright (C) 2008-2009  Ian Goldberg, Muhaimeen Ashraf, Andrew Chung,
                           Can Tang

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General
  Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


To report problems, comments, suggestions, patches, etc., you can email
the authors:

Ian Goldberg : <>
Can Tang     : <>

For more information on Off-the-Record Messaging, visit