
Any consideration of SFTP or SCP

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'd love to use oSync however I would much prefer to use a secure transmission method. There is a SFTP / SSH module availabe that could be incorporated at and some scp information at and


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Type 'free shell' in google to obtain an ssh server to test your program with


    • Henrik Olsson

      Henrik Olsson - 2006-12-10

      I actually considered this when I first implemented FTP support, but I decided to wait until someone requested it. I guess you just did :)

      (don't hold your breath though. It'll not happen in the next few days as I'm very busy studying now)


    • Henrik Olsson

      Henrik Olsson - 2006-12-31

      Hmm, I've looked closer into this. All other methods than using Paramiko seems to use external clients via a POSIX-only library (also I can't find any open source client that runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS).

      Paramiko however is cross platform but depends on pycrypto, which the user would have to compile and/or install manually. This might be the only way.

      You do know that oSync can use encrypted files over password protected FTP? That means that noone can enter your FTP in the first place without a username and password; and if they could they wouldn't be able to read any of your bookmarks/notes/anything since all files are encrypted with ARC4 before being uploaded.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I too would definitely like to have SCP connection. Why? Quite simple, because FTP servers just aren't really available anymore! I do not care about encryption for my bookmarks (I do understand that other do), but I do not want to set up a FTP server just for this. I would have access to about 3-4 SSH servers all the time though. I guess the world is moving away from FTP to more secure things.

      But how about if you use external SCP for the connection? You have that in every linux/unix and for windows you can get putty freely. Many projects on windwos use putty (cvs and svn clients for example).

      • Henrik Olsson

        Henrik Olsson - 2007-01-30

        Putty might work but I don't got access to any SCP servers to test it on, and I can't find a decent Windows serverware. It would be nice if someone could fix a temporary account on any SCP server for me. It will be used for development by me only.


        • Nobody/Anonymous

          I would love to have SFTP/SCP-option on this one as the original poster. I dont want to set up a ftp-server just for this one.

          Are you still missing a ssh-host to test on?

          • Henrik Olsson

            Henrik Olsson - 2007-05-25

            Yes I am :(

            • Nobody/Anonymous

              If you are still missing you can mail me a dante at, and i can borrow you an account for testing.

              • Henrik Olsson

                Henrik Olsson - 2007-05-30

                I've dropped you an email.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Wouldn't there still be the possibility to do it via myopera or so, as u did at first?
      As I really have problems here with ftp in my company (special ftp proxy, your solution does not work), i guess that would be an easy alternative.

      I'd also like ssh, but i don't know how i would use it. I use a shared server for some webstuff, so if that works without my company hitting me..

      I really would like to use osync..


      • Henrik Olsson

        Henrik Olsson - 2007-05-25

        I would love to sync via, but one year of problems without any responses on my emails to Opera Software made me forced to switch to FTP.

        If you really want to use oSync on the myOpera servers there you could download an old oSync version.

        Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to test SSH/SFTP, but as I did my last day in school yesterday for this semester, I hope to look on that soon.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanks a lot.
      didn't know there where so much problems..
      might there be other trusty services like myopera out there?

      if u have some time, could you also have a look in that proxy problem? It seems it does not work when sstem (http) proxy and ftp-proxy are different or so...

      Regards, Pilot

      • Henrik Olsson

        Henrik Olsson - 2007-05-30

        Unfortunately, there is no FTP library for Python with a functional proxy support. Actually, there's no SCP or SFTP lib either, but I'll try to use a third party client or C component to get SCP/SFTP support.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi there,

      I wanted to ask, whether it is possible to add sftp support to your CURL Library? I have been trying the 0.8 beta you have published, but it refuses to take SFTP URLs. I too here am having various proxy problems and tunneling FTP out is just plain hell. A simple SFTP solution would be really cool.


      • Henrik Olsson

        Henrik Olsson - 2007-06-14

        cURL supports SFTP already. I just have to edit some oSync code since SFTP commands differ a bit from FTP/FTPS (for this I need SFTP access somewhere...). You also need to have the libssh2 library installed.

        What kind of error do you got btw?

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      error.log reads:

      | Exception called in module setup after 21440 ms.
      | Traceback (most recent call last):
      | File "", line 334, in ?
      | File "modules\curl_int.pyo", line 129, in finger
      | error: (1, 'Unsupported protocol: sftp')

      You should be able to test sftp everywhere you can connect using ssh. Normally they come in packs.

      If you need a test account, drop me a mail to <torben at nehmer dot net> and I'll create you an account on a system I own.

      Where can I get a libssh2 for win32?


      • Henrik Olsson

        Henrik Olsson - 2007-06-15

        You have to build libssh2 on your own from source, if you don't stumble upon a precompiled version somewhere.

        However, SFTP is not highest priority right now.



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