Andrew Keppel - 2006-05-09

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...not sure if anyone cares about this one
anymore...they've probably released a patch.

The problem is due to a SQL query calling a column
named 'discountamount' in the 'arorder' table, it's a bad
recordset so it chokes on the MoveNext() (ADO can't just
TELL you that, nooooo, they make you rewrite the query and
echo the mysql_error).

This is the same reason you may have problems inserting a
new order (a problem with the arorderadd page).

I just added a FLOAT field named 'disountamount' to the
end of the arorder table, and it cleaned up all purty, I
haven't run across the usage of that field yet, but I'm
sure it'll come in handy....someday...