Stefan - 2004-08-27

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Hallo liebe OSP-Liebhaber,
wir haben auf unseren Seiten ein neues weiteres Forum zum Thema opensurveypilot
eingerichtet. Dort moechten wir Fragen zu unseren OSP-Plug-ins eroertern, aber
auch ber Probleme, Mglichkeiten etc. bez. OSP "sprechen".

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----------------------------------english - start

Helo Opensurveypilot-ethousiasts!

We have installed a new Forum mainley dedicated to our opensurveypilot-plug-ins.

During our 1 year expirience with osp, we got a lot of analytic expertise
related to osp. Specially on os-related questions!
So there, we also want to discuss some interesting FACTS about OSP AND WINDOWS.

And last but not least general coding questions, ideas and news.

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You can join our forum @:

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