
OSE / News: Recent posts

Makeit 8.0pl1 is now available.

Makeit is the build environment from OSE. It is now available as a separate package to OSE as well as being still included in OSE.

Posted by Graham Dumpleton 2006-05-16

OSE 8.1 is now available.

OSE is a C++ library, with some Python wrappers, containing generic classes, as well as support for event driven systems, interprocess communications and a request/reply, publish/subscribe service agent framework with RPC over HTTP interface.�

Be warned that makeit has been overhauled and any existing makefiles of your own will need to modified in order to work. Also note that there is no current documentation describing any changes or new features. If you want any assistance, become a member of the "ose-forum" mailing list and ask your question there.�... read more

Posted by Graham Dumpleton 2006-05-16

OSE 7.0pl11 is now available.

OSE is a C++ library, with some Python wrappers, containing generic classes, as well as support for event driven systems, interprocess communications and a request/reply, publish/subscribe service agent framework with RPC over HTTP interface.

This release fixes bugs in generation of psuedo unique IDs and in the XML-RPC gateway.

Posted by Graham Dumpleton 2005-03-25