
OSDB 0.14 supports MySQL's InnoDB and BDB engines

The OSDB project is delighted to report the
release of OSDB 0.14, the "Lucky" release!

This release introduces support for product-
specific runtime options. Specifically, for
MySQL, we now support the InnoDB and BDB engines
via the "--mysql={innodb | bdb}" option.

For you long-suffering OSDB PostgreSQL users, we
offer "--postgresql=no_hash_index" to work around
the hash index problems of OSDB with PostgreSQL
V7.1 and 7.2.

As always, let us know of any problems.

May the source be with you!

(Please note that version 0.13 had a corrupted
tar file, and has been withdrawn.)

Posted by Andy Riebs 2002-03-13

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