
FPS is very very low

  • joy

    joy - 2007-06-19


    I am new to ORTS, don't know if I am right to run it:

    0. my platform is PC Win32, graphics card is Geforce 7800, RAM is 2GB

    1. I downloaded the daily snapshot

    2. open orts-project.sln with and built orts and ortsg successfully.

    3. double click orts.exe

    4. dboule click ortsg.exe

    5. with several minutes, a window 'ORTS GL Client' appears with FPS only less than 1FPS

    what is wrong with my steps?


    • Johan

      Johan - 2007-06-19

      I have about 3-4 FPS on my laptop with the same RAM and a not so powerful graphics card as a 7800. It might be due to some Glew issues. Try to upgrade the Glew package in ORTS (located in the win32 zip) to a newer version, otherwise I don't know what's wrong. I use Glew 1.3.6. Can be downloaded at

      There are however some strange issues with the 3D GUI on Windows. On Ubuntu at the same laptop I have much higher framerate, and on Windows the terrain textures are cut in half (diagonally) with one half correct texture and one half just black. I haven't got an answer from the developers why this happens.

    • joy

      joy - 2007-06-20

      I tried the latest glew(1.14.0), there is no difference.

      My machine is definitely fast enough so I am wondering how others work with such low FPS? en, probabaly, as you said, the FPS is good on other platforms...

      and, I noticed you replied to others about VSTOOL,

      have you tried VSTOOL to generate other apps except orts and ortsg?

      I tried app.dcdtpath, but, there are millions of errors!


    • John Fragoulis

      John Fragoulis - 2008-07-26

      no answer to this for over a year? is the project alive?
      I have a 8600m, intel core duo and 2gigs of ram and the game runs at 1fps.

    • David 'Mokon' Bond

      My guess is this it not the problem but make sure you are not running the debugging version. The debugging version adds a lot of overhead.

    • P L

      P L - 2008-07-30

      I have successfully compiled the daily snapshot for today in WinXP using VC 8 and the files in I am also experiencing the exact same problem. The fps is less than 3 and the screen does not refresh itself. The only way to refresh the screen is to resize or minimize it.

      • Michael Buro

        Michael Buro - 2008-07-30

        The issue has been resolved. Low fps is caused by using debug libraries.
        A new windows ORTS installer that also contains information on this will
        be released soon.

    • ffxiangyu

      ffxiangyu - 2009-01-26

      hi, Michael
      Has that new windows ORTS installer been released? If so, where can I found it?
      Because my ortsg is still running at less than 3fps

    • awilson

      awilson - 2009-06-26

      Hello Michael,

      I am also interested in having a windows ORTS installer.  It would be wonderful to get access to if it is available.

      best wishes,


  • chimairaCris

    chimairaCris - 2009-11-02


    Did this ever get sorted? because im experiencing the same problem but usually with an fps from 0.05 to 0.5. I got a AMD athlon64 X2 2.16 GHz, 2G ram, Ati Radeon X1950 Pro on XP 32bit. Thanks for any help.

  • Tim

    Tim - 2009-11-02

    So I guess the installer hasn't been changed, but you can always manually make sure the release version isn't using the debug libraries.

  • AMNO

    AMNO - 2010-11-03

    for me there is no difference between release and debug both have low fps ,
    os:Windows 7
    video card: geforce 1gb  ,. i don't know the model

    i don't think its because of hardware any way , then please update source code and third parties if that helps.


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