
OrthoRBH / Blog: Recent posts

Version 1.1 is here!

Some changes to the foraward tblastn parameters have been made to keep compatibility with newer blast versions. I tested with NCBI-BLAST 2.2.27+.

Posted by mziemann 2013-12-13

Version 1.01 now available

Some slight changes to OrthoRBH have been made in v1.01, these are mostly just slight improvements to error message handling. We also fixed a bug which caused premature exit after checking that the blast index files contained data.

Posted by mziemann 2012-12-27


Welcome to OrthoRBH, a comparative genomics tool I put together to speed up the process of identifying orthologous gene sequences in related species. It is distinct from other tools in that it is suited to mining mixtures of mRNA-Seq and conventional EST datasets.

This is the v1.0 beta release and so it is definitely going to have bugs and other issues and I look forward to getting into better shape over time.... read more

Posted by mziemann 2012-07-09