
Natural ORM Architect: 2010-12 CTP Released

The December 2010 Community Technology Preview of Natural Object-Role Modeling Architect for Visual Studio is now available through or

Expanding the appropriate file download and running Setup.bat will uninstall any old NORMA version and reinstall the new NORMA components. Visual Studio instances should be shutdown before running setup, and Vista/Windows 7 users should either launch the provided SetupVista.bat or explicitly run Setup.bat as an Administrator. The release includes modifications through changeset 1464.

The December 2010 adds a package for Visual Studio 2010 and supports dragging elements between models. Other improvements include more increased sophistication of relational names containing multiple capital letters and digits, and performance improvements for relational generation of large models.

Details are available in the included Documentation\Readme.htm installed with NORMA and in the SVN change logs on sourceforge. A copy of the readme has also been posted on sourceforge so you can review changes before you download the binaries.

Posted by Matthew Curland 2011-01-02

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