Brian Nalewajek - 2008-02-20


As the team has provided a release for VS 2008, there's an opportunity for those that don't have access to a copy of this IDE to get one, by attending a MS launch event in the next few months.  If you register, and are confirmed, MS will provide copies (for evaluation purposes), of VS 2008, WS2K8 and SQL Server 2008, to those that attend.  These are half day, or full day events (depending on city and track (IT, Developer, etc...)).  Here's the link for the SLC event:

Here's the link for the general city listing:

Note: LA and NY are sold out already, so register soon if plan to attend.

BTW, I did not notice any venues outside the US; there may be some, but you'll have to scout them out yourself.

While many that frequent these forums have access to this software through MSDN memberships, or the like, it looks like a way for those that don't have a budget for each release to keep up.  As for the quality and suitability of the presentations: you're on your own. I don't work for MS or have anything to do with registration - just passing along the links.