
Problem With Loaded Velocity templates

  • WhiteLighter

    WhiteLighter - 2005-07-21

    Hello! Can anybody help me out? I created a report and used a vm template as its report file... When testing the report, data was indeed read and page numbers are displayed in the query result page but no data displayed (Why?).. this is the code of the loaded .vm file...


    <div align="center">

    <table class="dialog">       
                <li><b>Report - </b>$</li>               
                #foreach ($param in $reportParameters.entrySet())                        
                    <li>$param.key = $param.value </li>

    $req.setAttribute("resulta", $results)

    #bodytag( Table "name=resulta" "class=displayTag" "sort=list" "pagesize=10")                
             #tag( Column "property=MYPREFIX" "title=PREFIX" "sortable=true" "headerClass=sortable" )          
            #tag( Column "property=PROD_CODE" "title=PROD CODE" "sortable=true" "headerClass=sortable")          
            #tag( Column "property=CNT" "title=COUNT" "sortable=true" "headerClass=sortable")          


    • Erik Swenson

      Erik Swenson - 2005-07-26

      Does the page say something along the lines of 'nothing to display'? If so the query is not returning data. If not the property names are probably wrong. I think displaytag is looking for property names the match JavaBean conventions. Try lowercasing the first letter of the property...

      - Erik

      • Ula

        Ula - 2008-06-26

        I've tried darkannihilator's approach but I keep get the following exception, any ideas ? Tnx

        ERROR - ReportRunAction.execute(207) | Encountered "#end\r\n" at line 10, column 1.
        Was expecting one of:
            "(" ...
            <RPAREN> ...
            <ESCAPE_DIRECTIVE> ...
            <SET_DIRECTIVE> ...
            "\\\\&quot; ...
            "\\&quot; ...
            <TEXT> ...
            <SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT> ...
            "*#" ...
            "*#" ...
            <STRING_LITERAL> ...
            "if" ...
            "stop" ...
            <NUMBER_LITERAL> ...
            <WORD> ...
            <IDENTIFIER> ...
            <DOT> ...
            "{" ...
            "}" ...

        ERROR - StandardWrapperValve.invoke(253) | Servlet.service() for servlet default threw exception
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't parse argument number " ...
        at java.text.MessageFormat.makeFormat(
        at java.text.MessageFormat.applyPattern(
        at java.text.MessageFormat.<init>(
        at com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.LocalizedTextUtil.buildMessageFormat(


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