
Orb / DevLog: Recent posts

~ Bug Fix: Update Info Loop not using all of the allocated CPU any more.

The old method of the update loop used a lot of cpu power as it kept re-cycling through a while test until enough time elapsed.

using time.sleep() I can suspend the thread until the required time has passed, and update again.

The CPU load at idle is changed now from ~50% to ~0%, the way it should be. This should hopefully free up resources and make the sockets much faster/stable.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-06-01

+ Support for sounds, but only in windows.


Data Crash, Join Server, Leave Server.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-05-01

~ Changes to how packets are received.

A bit less errors and fatal crashes should happen now.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-05-01

! Orb Updated to 0.2.3

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-19

+ New YSFHQ Serverlist

I wrote a new server list for YSFHQ in python today. I hope Eric implements it. It fixes the whole 'duhhhh i'm blind gimme packets durrrr' that the old script was doing (it would take anything, upto 13 packets, and HOPE that it got them all.)

The new serverlist will connect, and wait till it has all the data before disconnecting. as a failsafe, it will also disconnect once it receives a full aircraft list.... read more

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-19

~ Death rule changed:

Deaths not counted towards K:D unless a user commits suicide by causing damage to themselves (not crashes) or when a user is killed by another user.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-18

~ Bug: PHP Bot script unable to read packet 32.

Found a bug in the YSFHQ PHP Bot script, where all messages of type 32 break the script. Hopefully EricT of YSFHQ can fix this issue soon.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-18

+ Workarounds for PHP Bot to gather server info.

Re-worked orb to allow 'PHP Bot' to read the server, even in YSFHQ mode. PHP Bot, like any user, can be banned and prevented access to the server, this makes your server appear offline to the server list.

Also: Because PHP Bot bypasses the YSFHQ log in system, PHP Bot can not read packets of type32 apart from what Orb specifically sends to it. futhermore, PHP Bot is force booted after sending the aircraft list. This means users can not impersonate phpbot to listen to the server, see who's online, talk or join flight. PHP Bot is essentially a banned client, who can read the server info. That's it.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-18

~ Broken Packet Fix

Whenever a server or client DC's, some functions would return -1, because they receive empty packets instead.

in response, the server tries to send a message to the client, and failing that, closes itself.

(no more bugged packet spam, only one message before a close test)

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-12

+ YSFHQ Login improvements

Acknowledges password upon entering, then polls HQ.
Has a "still working" message every five seconds.
YSFHQ call threaded.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-12

~ Fixed Kill/Death annoncements.

Was comparing to the client sock instead of server sock, and no try/excepts were making a mess.

This should now be fixed again.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-10

! Orb updated to 0.2.0

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-08

- Type 46: Kill confirmation

Currently clogging the feed, pretty useless, so figured it would be rejected for now.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-08

+ K:D Ratio working

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-08

! Orb updated to 0.1.3

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-08

~ Fixed the error of NOTHING working if MasterGroup not existing!

Fixed the error of NOTHING working if MasterGroup not existing!

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-08

~ Massive Bug Fix In Database Load

The user-> info -> permissions strcuture was flawed and some instances were referencing username, others ThisUserName, causing massive issues for all but the last loaded user from the database. This has been fixed.

Posted by OfficerFlake 2012-04-08