
#81 last modified time .. does not match


I'm afraid I have another problem.

Doing oprofpp, I get the error message:
"oprofpp: WARNING: the last modified time of the
binary file
/home/work/Zach/lib-rh72/opt/ does
not match
that of the sample file. Either this is the wrong binary
or the binary
has been modified since the sample file was created.

However, I have neither touched the executable, nor
the shared libraries for weeks!

Here is exactly what I do:
(as root)
# op_stop
Stopping profiling and killing daemon
# rm -rf /var/lib/oprofile/samples
# op_start --ctr0-event=CPU_CLK_UNHALTED
--ctr0-count=300000 --ctr0-kernel=0 --ctr0-user=1
--kernel-only=0 --separate-samples
Using log file /var/lib/oprofile/oprofiled.log [...]

(as user)
% run executable

(as root)
# op_dump

(as user)
% oprofpp --demangle --list-symbols
/work/CollDet/coll/test/obj/linux2_gcc_opt/bench >
oprofpp: WARNING: the last modified time of the
binary file
/home/work/Zach/lib-rh72/opt/ does
not match
that of the sample file. Either this is the wrong binary
or the binary
has been modified since the sample file was created.
oprofpp: WARNING: the last modified time of the
binary file
/home/work/Zach/lib-rh72/opt/ does
not match
that of the sample file. Either this is the wrong binary
or the binary
has been modified since the sample file was created.

Is it a problem if the libraries are on a remote NFS?
I checked that root can read those shared libs in the
remote NFS directory.
The libs oprofpp complains about are definitely much
older than the executable and some of the other
shared libs. So why does it complain exactly about
those two?


  • John Levon

    John Levon - 2002-11-07

    Logged In: YES

    can you modify the oprofile source to print out
    the stat times it complains about when it
    prints that message ? and also give "stat" results
    of the relevant files.

  • John Levon

    John Levon - 2003-02-03

    Logged In: YES

    No info forthcoming, closing.

  • John Levon

    John Levon - 2003-02-03
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me

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