
Open Zelda / News: Recent posts

Open Zelda 7.0

Open Zelda is being risen from the grave

Posted by Kouruu 2008-11-10

Quest Designer 0.6.0 alpha released

An alpha testing version for anyone who wants to try what's new on the new Open Zelda's Quest Designer.

+ This new version still needs to find the old QD at the same old location: C:\qd\Quest Designer 2.1.4
+ There was a major bug that prevented the game files loading on some systems, now it should be corrected.
+ This release has support for zipped files. For instance, you could zip the whole "Sprite Sheets" directory content into a zip file named "Sprite Sheets" without the ".zip" extension and completly delete the ss directory to leave the zip file at: C:\qd\Quest Designer 2.1.4\Sprite Sheets
+ Now it is ussing CodeSense for script editing, CS is a better library than CodeMax with support for many other features. (still working on the IntelliSense like behavior)
+ An small initial help file has been added for testing purposes, with only a few OZ API functions documentated. Still need to merge with lukex's help files.
+ The sound engine has been added and now is working wih IT, MIDI, MOD, WAV, MP3, OGG support!... read more

Posted by Germán Méndez Bravo 2003-08-30

Open Zelda

Open Zelda main game re-programming has started!
Shortly we will have more information about the upcoming Open Zelda and Quest Designer.

Posted by Germán Méndez Bravo 2003-08-07

Quest Designer 0.5.0 alpha released

An alpha testing version for anyone who wants to try what's new on the new Open Zelda's Quest Designer.

There are many things missing yet, but we are getting where we want :)

Posted by Germán Méndez Bravo 2003-08-02

Quest Designer grows

The new Open Zelda's Quest Designer is growing, the works is still in progress and lots of features are being implemented. (Currently working on the World Editor)

Posted by Germán Méndez Bravo 2003-04-28

Quest Designer documentation is available!

Open Zelda's first part of the project (Quest Designer) has begun, and we are trying to keep you informed of all changes and details about the status of QD. We feel it is our duty to also document every part of the project so nothing gets lost in time while programming. It has been decided that documentation will play an important role while allowing everyone to familiarize with the source code and eventually find, trace and even correct bugs and errors on the design or the code.... read more

Posted by Germán Méndez Bravo 2003-04-17

First phase in progress

The first part of the Open Zelda project involves the complete rewrite of the Quest Designer.

Currently we are working on the architecture and design of QD, and already programming a solid foundation to lay the whole application.

At this point of the process we are getting closer to publish a start in the CVS!

Posted by Germán Méndez Bravo 2003-04-16

OpenZelda goes really Open

OpenZelda, the great Zelda 3 Clone, is now OpenSource!
Last January Greg Denness released this Great game engine to the open source community. Four months have passed since that day, and not much has happened yet, but hopefully well get this thing going soon.
There will be four main areas inside this project:

OpenZelda programming,
QuestDesigner programming,
OpenZelda Scripting, and
Graphics/Sound design.... read more

Posted by Germán Méndez Bravo 2003-04-09