
get roster problem

  • Stephen Wong

    Stephen Wong - 2011-01-18

    I found that the number of contacts in the roster is not correct. I implement the listReceived(SessionListEvent event) function of the listener and found that the event has 16 contacts, but sometimes the yahoo session roster has only 1 or 2 or even zero contacts. I added codes to add contacts (from the contacts set in the event) to the roster and after adding, the size of the roaster does not change. Is there any constraint to add contact to the yahoo session roster?


  • Neil Hart

    Neil Hart - 2011-01-18

    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you.

    The roster should be updated by the Session directly.  You may have found a bug.  They roster size may not be correct when your code's listReceived method is called, but it should be updated by that same thread before handling the next yahoo incoming message.

    Adding a contact to the Roster (using the add() method will send a request to Yahoo to add the "new contact" to your contact list.

    I'll take a look.


  • alex

    alex - 2011-01-20

    I got same problem when get contacts in roster. It return not correct with my contact list. But it's always correct with listReceived(SessionListEvent event) function.
    Hope you fix it soon

  • Stephen Wong

    Stephen Wong - 2011-04-06

    Hi Neil,

    Any update on this issue?


  • Neil Hart

    Neil Hart - 2011-04-06

    Sorry.  I am falling behind.  I'll take a look at this tonight.


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