
OpenXava 4m1 released

OpenXava is a framework to develop AJAX Java Enterprise/J2EE applications rapidly and easily.

Allows you to define applications just with POJOs, JPA and Java annotations. Feature rich and flexible since it's used for years to create business applications with Java.

This 4m1 version is the first milestone toward OX4, whose goal is to improve the user experience. This version uses jQuery and jQuery UI to include modal dialogs. Moreover it has
- Popup dialogs supported by means of show-dialog and hide-dialog attribute for <action /> in controllers.xml.
- A dialog is used for searching, creating or modifying a reference.
- Image editor and Image gallery editor use a dialog to upload the files.
- New checkbox in list to select and deselect all rows at once.
- Reference guide in Russian improved.
- Dropped support for EntityBeans CMP2.
- Dropped support for Java 1.4. From now on OX requires Java 5 or better.
- And more than 30 new features and fixes.

See the complete list in changelog:

You can download it from:

More info:

Posted by Javier Paniza 2009-11-25

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