
Error executing ORDER example

  • Sugimin Chen

    Sugimin Chen - 2012-01-04

    Dear all,

    I am an OpenXava newbie, I am trying the given example from Javier Paniza's Learn OpenXava by Example, I have successfully executed the INVOICE app, but failed on ORDER app, the error happens when I try to save a detail, what could be the cause of error, to me it's very weird as both INVOICE and ORDER extends from CommercialDocument and only have slightly different properties, following is the error log:

    Any help will be very appreciated, thank you
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.directwebremoting.util.CommonsLoggingOutput info
    INFO: Exec: Module.request()
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id PO
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id PO
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id invoiceDate
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id estimatedProfit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id baseAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id totalAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id invoiceDate
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id estimatedProfit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id baseAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id totalAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM nextBlock
    FINE:  Executing SELECT CommercialDocument.oid, CommercialDocument.year, CommercialDocument.number1, CommercialDocument.invoiceDate, CommercialDocument.remarks, CommercialDocument.vatPercentage, AMOUNT * 0.10, CommercialDocument.amount, 0, 0, 0 from CommercialDocument  where DTYPE='PO' with arguments
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:22 PM getRow
    FINE: nextChunk=2
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.directwebremoting.util.CommonsLoggingOutput info
    INFO: Exec: Module.request()
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager execute
    FINE: Execute ms
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id invoiceDate
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id invoiceDate
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id details
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id pricePerUnit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id pricePerUnit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM getRow
    FINE: nextChunk=1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id estimatedProfit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id estimatedProfit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id baseAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id baseAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id totalAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id totalAmount
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id invoiceDate
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id invoiceDate
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id details
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id pricePerUnit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id number1
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id pricePerUnit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:26 PM getRow
    FINE: nextChunk=0
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:33 PM org.directwebremoting.util.CommonsLoggingOutput info
    INFO: Exec: Module.request()
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:33 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id invoiceDate
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:34 PM org.directwebremoting.util.CommonsLoggingOutput info
    INFO: Exec: Module.request()
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:34 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:34 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:34 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:34 PM org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager execute
    FINE: Execute ms
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:34 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:35 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:35 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id pricePerUnit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:35 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id pricePerUnit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:36 PM org.directwebremoting.util.CommonsLoggingOutput info
    INFO: Exec: Module.request()
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:36 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id product
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:36 PM org.openxava.util.Labels get
    WARNING: Impossible to translate element with id pricePerUnit
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:38 PM org.directwebremoting.util.CommonsLoggingOutput info
    INFO: Exec: Module.request()
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:38 PM org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager manageRegularException
    SEVERE: argument type mismatch
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.openxava.util.PropertiesManager.executeSet(
    at org.openxava.util.PropertiesManager.executeSets(
    at org.openxava.model.impl.POJOPersistenceProviderBase.create(
    at org.openxava.model.impl.POJOPersistenceProviderBase.createAggregate(
    at org.openxava.model.impl.MapFacadeBean.create(
    at org.openxava.model.impl.MapFacadeBean.createAggregate(
    at org.openxava.model.impl.MapFacadeBean.createAggregate(
    at org.openxava.model.impl.MapFacadeBean.createAggregate(
    at org.openxava.model.MapFacade.createAggregate(
    at org.openxava.actions.SaveElementInCollectionAction.createAggregate(
    at org.openxava.actions.SaveElementInCollectionAction.saveAggregate(
    at org.openxava.actions.SaveElementInCollectionAction.execute(
    at org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager.executeAction(
    at org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager.executeAction(
    at org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager.executeAction(
    at org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager.executeAction(
    at org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager.execute(
    at org.apache.jsp.xava.execute_jsp._jspService(
    at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
    at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.doInclude(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.include(
    at org.openxava.web.servlets.Servlets.getURIAsStream(
    at org.openxava.web.dwr.Module.getURIAsStream(
    at org.openxava.web.dwr.Module.request(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.directwebremoting.impl.ExecuteAjaxFilter.doFilter(
    at org.directwebremoting.impl.DefaultRemoter$1.doFilter(
    at org.directwebremoting.impl.DefaultRemoter.execute(
    at org.directwebremoting.impl.DefaultRemoter.execute(
    at org.directwebremoting.servlet.PlainCallHandler.handle(
    at org.directwebremoting.servlet.UrlProcessor.handle(
    at org.directwebremoting.servlet.DwrServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
    at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(
    at Source)
    Jan 4, 2012 4:13:38 PM org.openxava.controller.ModuleManager execute
    FINE: Execute Collection.saveAndStay=23 ms


    Sugimin Chen


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