
Where are list filter settings stored?

  • Gerry Gilmoer

    Gerry Gilmoer - 2016-02-05

    Pretty self-explanatory, really. When I change the layout using list filters, adding/removing columns, changing column order, etc., where are these setting saved/stored within OpenXava? I've looked and looked, but can't seem to find the answer, so thought I'd ask here.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Javier Paniza

    Javier Paniza - 2016-02-08

    Hi Gerry,

    In .openxava folder in your home directory.

    Help others in this forum as I help you.

    • Srinivasa Akkala

      Javier ,
      We are facing issue with this approach . Our app runs on multiple containers with k8s managing the autoscaling . It is not possible to sync files systems across containers as each container is independent of each other.
      1. Where can i configure this folder location ? I would like to change it to shared folder instead of home directory.
      2. Is it possible to manage these configurations in database? (something like JPAFilePersistor)

      Thanks and appreciate all your support.

  • Srinivasa Akkala

    Found it - org.openxava.util.FIles getOpenXavaBaseDir


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