
Boolean, checkbox, junit

E. Nigma
  • E. Nigma

    E. Nigma - 2008-08-29

    I've been fighting a bit with a class that has a boolean member. The matter is, from the web interface everything works as expected, however junit has its opinion on booleans that makes it fail.
    In short, if I search manually a record I can leave the checkbox unset and it will find records with the checkbox set, assuming an empty checkbox is a neutral value.
    Junit assumes that null equals false, and therefore will not find records with the member set to true. I don't object the behaviour of junit, however the difference between user experience and junit test cases can be a problem.
    I don't even know if this is openxava specific or not, so maybe this isn't the right place to report. Or maybe I'm just doing it the wrong way.

    • Javier Paniza

      Javier Paniza - 2008-09-02

      Hi Enigma,

      in order to assign value to a checkbox in detail model just type:

      setValue("paid", "true"); // To check
      setValue("paid", "false"); // To uncheck

      And for filtering in list mode:

          new String [] { "", "", "", "true" }

      You can find more examples in OpenXavaTest/test-src


      • E. Nigma

        E. Nigma - 2008-09-02

        Thank you, however the key problem here is the difference in behaviour.
        If I navigate the app with a browser, uncheck the boolean and hit search, I find both checked and unchecked records.
        If I use junit and uncheck the boolean, it won't find checked records, just the unchecked ones. Therefore the behaviour differs. Technically the junit behaviour seems more correct. Since junit is supposed to act exactly like a user browsing the webapp this is at least misleading.
        Is this a bug?
        As I previously said I don't  have much experience, so this may be nonsense.

        • Javier Paniza

          Javier Paniza - 2008-09-03

          Hi Enigma,

          I think I know the root of your problem.
          When you are using the webapp if you uncheck the boolean, it think that it is an empty field, so it is not included in the query condition.
          When you are using junit, because you put 'false' to the property, this value is in the parameter list, so it's included in the query condition.

          Try this case using OpenXava 3.0.3. This new version uses HtmlUnit instead of HttpUnit for junit, and the behaviour of the tests is more near to a real browser. Try it, and tell me the result.


          • E. Nigma

            E. Nigma - 2008-09-29

            Unfortunately 3.0.3 does not solve the problem, at least there's an easy workaround once the problem is acknowledged.

            • Javier Paniza

              Javier Paniza - 2008-09-30

              Hi Enigma,

              > Unfortunately 3.0.3 does not solve the problem
              You can wait until 3.1 and try with it. If you case still fails, then you can consider to fix the problem yourself and contribute the fix to OpenXava ;)



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