
What do you want for OpenXava 4?

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  • Javier Paniza

    Javier Paniza - 2008-08-28

    Hi fellows,

    OpenXava 4 is still a long way off.
    Before, we have to complete the OX3.1 with AJAX, and the OX 3.2 with a lot of UI improvements.

    Nevertheless, I have some ideas about OpenXava 4, and I would like know your opinion. Here the ideas:
    a. FLEX for user interface
    b. JavaFX for user interface
    c. Groovy for the model
    d. Ruby for the model
    e. Build-in navigation and security
        - No portal required
        - If you use portal, you can have the application in one portlet
    f. Interactive programming

    You can vote here:

    and of course, you can put your opinion in this thread.


    • icarrara

      icarrara - 2008-08-29

      Hi Javi,

      > OpenXava 4 is still a long way off.
      > - No portal required
      > - If you use portal, you can have the application in one portlet

      Please, could you explain more about the above points?

      More in general, what are your plans about Openxava and Liferay platform?

      Thank you for your work!


      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2008-08-29

        Hi Ivano,

        > Please, could you explain more about the above points?
        Yes. Some OpenXava users does not want to use portal. Sometimes they need to install web applications in existing application servers, and they have no option to install a portal. In this case, they have to create a navigation and security for their OX application.
        The idea is to add (as option) a navigation and security module for OpenXava, in this way you can install a .war produced with OpenXava in a simple tomcat and the application will be ready to use.
        Of course, the portal support in OpenXava will not be dropped. In fact, I love portal, and I in my company we'll continue using them. But even with portals this feature can be useful. If you have a navigation module (the menus to access to OX modules), you can  have the option of add only a portlet to your portal, and to have all the application inside that portlet. Now, we have a portlet for each module, and it's very boring configuring a large application for Liferay. Again, the option of to have a portlet by module will continue been supported.

        > what are your plans about Openxava and Liferay platform?
        Liferay will continue been supported by OpenXava. And, from now is our favourite portal. But, we have to support Jetspeed and WebSphere Portal, because some of our customers use them. We try to move the JetSpeed installations to Liferay, but the WebSphere Portals will be continue WebSphere. I work for an IBM Business Partner :(


    • Janesh Kodikara

      Janesh Kodikara - 2008-11-03

      Hi Javi
      It's after a long time. Hope you are in good health and doing well.

      I really didn't get chance to do much with qaManager and was managing most of my work using google docs.

      But need to work on qaManager next version with new features in OpenXava.
      I would work closely with you on this.

      1) Build-in navigation and security
      I had to spend some time in doing this with Liferay. UIs were not that user friendly  for applications with many forms and data. It looks more suitable for gadgets.

      I would prefer if there is a built in facility for this.

      Hope this will get maximum votes.

      Thanking  you

      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2008-11-04

        Hi Janesh,

        > But need to work on qaManager next version with new features in OpenXava.
        Good idea!

        > Build-in navigation and security
        > Hope this will get maximum votes
        At the moment your option has 26% (second position) while FLEX has 29% (first).
        But, open source is not democratic, is meritocratic. That is, if someone likes Ruby and likes OpenXava, and he develops a good support for Ruby in OpenXava, then OX will have support for Ruby, although it would be the less voted option.


    • rajcheram

      rajcheram - 2008-11-20

      Hi Javi,
      It will be nice to OX if we add RIA technologies like Flex , OpenLaszlo
      Now a days these are emerging higher than others technoogies regardless of platforms


    • CSJakharia

      CSJakharia - 2008-12-23

      Can you please include extensibility features in OpenXava like plugins or some kind and even having Theme like support

      What I require is besides groups and sections, If i want some more other stuff like subgroup which may differ in view from group then someway to specify to the OpenXava so that it can create such subgroup

      I mean someway to specify the editor for the group/section also

      Thanks In advance


      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2008-12-24

        Hi CSJakharia,

        > I mean someway to specify the editor for the group/section also

        We have as sponsered feature for uncoming versions the possibility of applying @Editor to collections and references, but not for groups and sections.

        Do you want to specify it at application level, or and some specific view of some specific entity. How do you want specify it.
        In editors.xml?
        using @Editor? both?
        Do you can provide an example?

        BTW, why you do need this feature?


    • CSJakharia

      CSJakharia - 2008-12-25

      What I feel is there is a limit to which the current OpenXava can be customised/ extended.

      Waht I actually require is someway by which I can add some more rules/syntax which enable me to use Section,Group as well as Right/Left Side

      Actually I have a layout whereby we require the data to be in a group but in that the data has to be in left side or right side and so need the same view to be able to customised. But I think the current architecture of OpenXava does not allows it to extended. off course I can change the source code of OpenXava but that will hamper in using the later versions of OpenXava.

      So Therefore require that the architecture of OpenXava has to be such that we can build plugins which will enable many users to develop plugins and in turn the Project will grow. In such a way many developers can add to this project

      I hope I have made my reason clear?

      Thanks in advance


    • Javier Paniza

      Javier Paniza - 2008-12-29

      Hi  CSJakharia,

      > I hope I have made my reason clear?
      Yes. In fact, you have convinced me.
      We will add the option to create your own way for groups and sections, for entire application or for a concrete entity/view.
      This will be include in some OX3.1.x.

      By the moment you can create your own style (in and overwrite the methods: getSection(), getSectionTableAttributes(), getSectionBarStartDecoration(), getActiveSectionTabStartDecoration(), getActiveSectionTabEndDecoration(), getSectionTabStartDecoration(), getSectionTabEndDecoration(), getSectionBarEndDecoration() and getSectionActive().
      Though this is limited, applied to all entities of all applications, and you will lose the portal look & feel adaptation of OX.


    • Alexander Kunkel


      i played a little bit with OX this day.

      Wishes? I don't need more view technologies like Flex or JavaFX.

      I need following feature. Hope i have not overlooked something and wishe me something already exist.

      User configurable and persistent filters.

      You have nice filters and configureable table columns. They should be permanent and portlet dependent. Perhaps they should be configurable in portlet edit mode.


      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2009-01-15

        Hi Alexander,

        > You have nice filters and configureable table columns.
        > They should be permanent and portlet dependent.
        Currently, the columns and order of the columns a persistent by user and portlet.

        Do you mean to add the current filter and order to the persistent user preferences? That is, that when the user returns to the portlet he would see directly the last order and filter ?


    • Alexander Kunkel

      Another suggestion:

      Integration of Hibernate Search. The Entities can seamless annotated with hibernate search annotations and the filter could query lucene instead using sql.


      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2009-01-15

        Hi Alexander,

        > Integration of Hibernate Search
        Great idea!
        And using a "Google like" search.

        I take note.

        BTW, it would be a nice contribution ;)


        • Alexander Kunkel

          Hi Javi,

          > I take note.

          > BTW, it would be a nice contribution ;)
          Currently i'm struggling with my own samples using OX. I'm unfortunately far away to integrate anything into OX :-(.


    • Tomasz Bartczak

      Tomasz Bartczak - 2009-01-20

      I vote for security & navigation.

      and merge of pure JDBC - JPA into pure JPA ;-)
      especially the second one gives more assurance that OX will easily manage with complex data models

    • Alexander A. Sokolov

      I suggest the following functionality:

      * Tree View (alternative to List / Detail)

      * Filters with pop-menus of values. When list of values is short - e.g., enum or reference table with little list of records

      * Not web interface - Swing or SWT

      * Up to date Command line tools or IDE plugins for reverse engineering of  legacy databases

      * Not JPA / RBMS data UI - XML, web services, may be JDO support

      * UI tool for configure OX

      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2009-03-20

        > I suggest the following functionality:
        Choose some of your suggestion, and try to think how to implement it with OX. The come back to "Developer forum" and we can discuss how YOU can implement it. This is a good way to go.
        A little contribution of code to OX is more valuable that 6 abstract suggestions.

        Also, I have a lot of idea for OX, but I cannot implement them. Generally I implement the suggestion of people that pay me for implement their suggestion. I have not time even for implement my own ideas.

        For example, if you work in a project for a customer (with a big budget for the project, of course), and the customer likes the OX applications, but he want a Swing interface. Then, you can talk with me, I give you an estimate, and if you customer is willing to pay it, then OX will have Swing in the next version.
        This is the other way to go.

        I never will write a Swing UI interface for my own initiative. Remember that the very first version of OpenXava (when it was called Xava, and it was close source) was Swing. For me, to write a Swing UI (again) would be boring.

    • Alexander A. Sokolov

      Sorry that question about fat interface was discussed twice. I just think that this is one marketing points that will help to grown up OX community.

      I just think that this is open discussion and I can give any ideas that will help OX to be popular tool and famous open source project.

      I'm not have any commercial sponsorship or commercial interests for OX now. I just learn it as good example of DDD. I like DDD as idea and don't have experience in UI development for Java.
      And just try to help.


      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2009-03-24

        > I just think that this is open
        > discussion and I can give any
        > ideas that will
        > help OX to be popular tool and
        > famous open source project.
        You are right! Every idea is always a seed that can grow in some direction in the future. Sometimes I say "no, that is very bad idea", and at the end I get seduced by the it.
        Please, continue giving ideas.

        In the other hand, you have to understand that we cannot start to implement every idea you have.

    • Federico Alcantara

      I dont know if I am late. How difficult would be to be OpenXava compatible with Seam?

      • Javier Paniza

        Javier Paniza - 2009-07-03

        Hola Federico,

        > How difficult would be to be OpenXava compatible with Seam?
        OpenXava is already compatible with Seam.
        You can integrate Seam and OX in the next ways:
        1. You can create two different portlet applications (two wars) and integrate the both applications using a portal, with the same user management and look and feel.
        2. You can share your JPA entities by the two applications.
        3. I think you can even integrate all in the same application.

        What level of integration do you need for Seam and OpenXava?


        • Federico Alcantara

          After I post this question I've been playing a while (not as much as I want to) with OpenXava. This framework is really well designed. So my previous question about its compatibility with seam now seems unimportant, given its portlet design it can be easily ported.
          To tell you the truth, I can't recall when I was so excited about a framework, specially for web development. I have been in the field since 1983 and I am hard to impress. With OpenXava I am impress!
          So I will try to get involved in this project.

          • Javier Paniza

            Javier Paniza - 2009-07-16

            Hola Federico,

            > I can't recall when I was so excited about a framework, specially for web development. I have
            > been in the field since 1983 and I am hard to impress. With OpenXava I am impress!
            Oh! What wonderful words!
            May I cite your comment?


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