
#403 Messages with some words starting with uppercase inside text

Not planned

That is in some cases we have message like this:

"It's required at least 1 Element in Details"

Where we should obtain this:

"It's required at least 1 element in details"

Note that element and details now are in lowercase.

We can use Invoice2Test.testMinSizeForCollections() to test it.


  • Javier Paniza

    Javier Paniza - 2014-05-27
    • status: open --> wont-fix
  • Javier Paniza

    Javier Paniza - 2014-05-27

    It's not clear that using lower case would be better always, specially in English that uses uppercase more than Spanish. For example:

    "Value for Name in Customer is required"

    It's not so bad in English. Moreover, it's also typical using a uppercase in each word of label, something strange (and incorrect) in Spanish but usual in English, that is "Customer Name" is good in English, but "Nombre de Cliente" sounds bad in Spanish, it's better "Nombre de cliente". The question is that if we automatically change the first letter to lowercase we could find messages as:

    "The content in customer Name is wrong"

    that is incorrect.

    So, we keep the thing as now. Of course, we can reopen this issue under demand of users.


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