
Prerequisites for Building

  • Taka

    Taka - 2004-09-03

    Do we need to buy Rogue Wave Stingray Studio for building Open Workbench?

    • Dan Dumbrill

      Dan Dumbrill - 2004-09-03

      At this time that is the case. It is a top priority to remove this prerequisite.  The use of these classes is fairly pervasive and will take some effort to remove them.  Any suggestions, from anyone, for alternate open sources classes would be very welcome.

    • Didier Ernotte

      Didier Ernotte - 2004-10-08

      Did you ever look at the RCP (Rich Client Foundation) of It provide a full framework for fat client java application (menu, toolbar, window, graphical widget, ...), it's free and it's multi-plateform : mac, linux, window, aix, ...

    • don bleyl

      don bleyl - 2004-11-28

      I second taking a look at eclipse -> SWT/JFace would be an excellent choice.

    • kaptijnr

      kaptijnr - 2005-05-02

      I asked our Eclipse expert to look at OWB. He replied:
      The architectecture document (Open Workbench Architectural Overview) mentions that the tooling has been designed according to the MVC paradigm. The C++ layer represents the View + Controller. The Java layer represents the Model. The C++ layer uses the Rogue Wave Stingray libraries. In fact, the entire GUI (i.e. View) has been developed using C++ libraries.

      When porting the GUI to an open source alternative, like SWT in Eclipse, the entire GUI has to be redesigned and rewritten. Developing GUIs in Java and SWT is extremely easy, but, it's clear that this still will be a comprehensive task! Open Workbench features complex views, that require quite some Java coding to accomplish a decent alternative.

      However, Java is already used for a limited UI task: ABTDriverProgressDialog is a Java class that visualises a progress dialog with a progress bar. This Java GUI part uses AWT. Note: AWT and SWT are completely different, however, by using a trick (i.e. the SWT / AWT bridge in SWT) it is possible to combine both window toolkits. It is preferable to choose one direction: either AWT / Swing or either SWT. The combination of AWT / Swing is more powerful (i.e. it features more widgets) than SWT.

    • chris snow

      chris snow - 2005-10-07

      I would like to help porting...

    • pedro_

      pedro_ - 2005-11-03

      By now, you could use QT4 which is usable for OpenSource projects under Windows, Linux and MacOS ! It could replace the MFC dependencies and maybe also dependencies to the Rogue libraries, but I did not check.

      For sure, this is quite some work we hope to have an entirely free product !

      Thanks for the job you have done,

    • EggKing

      EggKing - 2006-07-11

      I'm a Chinese student,and I want to translate the language of openworkbench into Chinese.
      Of course if I have more free time,I want to participate in the development of the software.
      When I tried to compile the source code,I realized that I had to buy some tools of Rogue Wave as "Developer Setup.pdf" said.
      The problem is that : Which of the tools listed in
      must I get first to compile the source code of OWB?
      Thank you very much and I sincerely wait for your reply! 

      • kaptijnr

        kaptijnr - 2006-07-11

        If you download the software you will find a document called "Developer Setup.pdf" in workbench\doc. This document states that you need:
        - Rogue Wave Objective Toolkit 8.0.3
        - Rogue Wave Objective Grid 9.0.3
        and some other tools

    • EggKing

      EggKing - 2006-07-11

      Yes,I have already read the document "Developer Setup.pdf" .But as it listed ,
      - Rogue Wave Objective Toolkit 8.0.3
      - Rogue Wave Objective Grid 9.0.3
      and some other tools
      I can't map them to the list on the page
      "  "
      Our team can't offord all of the tools listed on that page :(
      So I just want to know which of the tools listed on the page
      are necessary for compiling the source code of

      • kaptijnr

        kaptijnr - 2006-07-12

        I think you need the first two tools:

        Objective Toolkit:Dev License + Basic Support 
        Version: 9.00 (SKU001602)
        Objective Grid: Dev. Lic + Basic Sup with OG.NET 
        Version: 10.0 (SKU003415)

        But I haven't tried it. Maybe you can ask OWB support?

        • Dan Dumbrill

          Dan Dumbrill - 2006-07-12

          Yes, those are the correct products.  It should be noted that OWB has not been built or tested with those versions.  The good news is that, traditionally, it has not been difficult to update OWB to work with newer versions of the Objective Tools.

    • EggKing

      EggKing - 2006-08-02

          There are five errors while I tried the command "ant build.xml" to compile the source code of OWB 1.1.4 as the doc "Developer Setup.pdf" says.
          I configed the building environment just as "Developer Setup.pdf" says, and the version of ROGUE  WAVE SOFTWARE is 2004.
          The only difference between my environment and the doc is that the version of my Sun Java Development kit is 1.4.2_11  but not 1.4.2_01 as the doc says.

      These are the general information  of the errors:
      ------ Build started: Project: Views, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
      LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'og903as.lib'

      Build log was saved at "file://c:\workbench\dev\Workbench\Views\Release\BuildLog.htm"
      Views - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

      ------ Build started: Project: UI - German, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
      Compiling resources...
      C:\Stingray Studio\Include/toolkit\ActvHost\ScriptHost.rc(13) : error RC2135 : file not found: ..\lib\ScriptHost.tlb

      Build log was saved at "file://c:\workbench\dev\Workbench\UI - German\Release\BuildLog.htm"
      UI - German - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

      ------ Build started: Project: UI - English, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
      Compiling resources...
      C:\Stingray Studio\Include/toolkit\ActvHost\ScriptHost.rc(13) : error RC2135 : file not found: ..\lib\ScriptHost.tlb

      Build log was saved at "file://c:\workbench\dev\Workbench\UI English\Release\BuildLog.htm"
      UI - English - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

      ------ Build started: Project: UI - French, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
      Compiling resources...
      C:\Stingray Studio\Include/toolkit\ActvHost\ScriptHost.rc(13) : error RC2135 : file not found: ..\lib\ScriptHost.tlb

      Build log was saved at "file://c:\workbench\dev\Workbench\UI - French\Release\BuildLog.htm"
      UI - French - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

      ------ Build started: Project: Main, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
      LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '\workbench\dev\Workbench\Views\Release\Views.lib'

      Build log was saved at "file://c:\workbench\dev\Workbench\Main\Release\BuildLog.htm"
      Main - 1 error(s), 65 warning(s)

      Is there anything wrong while I compiled the src?
      Thank you very much!

      • kaptijnr

        kaptijnr - 2006-08-02

        og903as.lib is a Rogue Wave library with the version number in it. You use a different version (10.0 ?), so you probably have to adapt the filename (something like og1000as.lib). Browse the Rogue wave directory for the correct filename.


    • EggKing

      EggKing - 2006-08-02

          The version of OG on my machine is just 903 (which the Rogue Wave Stingray Studio 2004 includes).
          In addition,I tried to find out all the files in the format "*.lib" on my C partition where Rogue Wave Stingray Studio 2004 installed, but I didn't find any file like "og*.lib" or "ot*.lib" !(Only a file "OptionsDlg.lib“)
          Is it bizarre?
          How did you compile the src?
          Could you tell me more in detail?
          Thank you very much!!!

    • Dan Dumbrill

      Dan Dumbrill - 2006-08-02

      It doesn't sound as though the Stingray libraries have actually been built.  Once you've followed the  Stingray wizard to define the characteristics of the libraries they actually need to be built.  I don't recall if Stingray provides batch files for building the libraries but they can be built within the IDE by opening up the Stringray projects the wizard created.

    • EggKing

      EggKing - 2006-08-03

      You mentioned that "but they can be built within the IDE by opening up the Stringray projects the wizard created"
      How to build the libraries within the IDE?
      First ,I configured the OG903 and OT803 according to
      the document "workbench\doc\Developer Setup.pdf".
      Then I built the file "C:\Stingray Studio\Src\foundation71.sln" ,there's on error.
      And then I opened the file "C:\Stingray Studio\Src\toolkit71.sln" with MS visual studio .NET 2003 and builded it,there are 4 errors:
      (1)c:\Stingray Studio\Include\Toolkit\ot_agentid.h(59): fatal error C1083: Cannot open type library file: 'agentsvr.exe': No such file or directory

      (2)Toolkit 8.03 fatal error U1077: 'cl.exe' : return code '0x2'

      (3)Toolkit 8.03 fatal error U1077: 'nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

      (4)Toolkit 8.03 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Makefile project actions"

      Then the file "C:\Stingray Studio\Src\grid71.sln",still 4 errors:
      (1)c:\Stingray Studio\Src\Grid\Dbe\gxdbteng.cpp(67): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'rw/db/db.h': No such file or directory

      (2)Grid 9.03 fatal error U1077: 'cl.exe' : return code '0x2'

      (3)Grid 9.03 fatal error U1077: 'nmake.exe' : return code '0x2'

      (4)Grid 9.03 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Makefile project actions"

      I really don't know what is the matter,could you tell me more? Thanks.

      Which IRC channel do you usually visit?Could you tell me ?I have some other problems about OWB to
      consult you and I want to get the answer soon.

    • EggKing

      EggKing - 2006-08-03

      With these errors ,I only generate 9 dlls and 6 jars. The npViews.dll and npWBench.exe can't be generated.

    • kseelam

      kseelam - 2007-10-04

      Or is it changed now ?
      K Seelam

      • chris snow

        chris snow - 2007-10-04

        Yes, you do need stingray.  You also need Visual Studio (I can't remember what version though).

        Unfortunately, the versions you need (Rogue Wave Object Toolkit 8.0.3, Rogue Wave Objective Grid 9.0.3)are no longer sold.  If you speak with your rogue wave representative, they will probably give you copies of the older versions if you buy the latest version.



    • Christopher Mann

      Oooooooooooooooooh, this Roguewave question seems sensitive.

      COuld we take the GUI part of the program pre-compiled and only recompile other parts for the time being ?


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