
OpenWFE 1.3.2 released

OpenWFE 1.3.2 sees the complete reorganization of ExpressionPool and ExpressionStore, the latter now only caring about storage while the first now handles caching, control, and in the future, clustering.

The Swis (Sql WorkItem Store) got changed to allow a more efficient extension.

Control actions 'cancel flow' and 'cancel expression' now produce history log records.

OpenWFE 1.3.2 - released on 2004/07/26

- [-all-] task #101914 : prepared and integrated a generic REST service
in openwfe/applic.
- [uman] bug #995949 : adding a grant always resulted in a grant with a
'null' location. Fixed.
- [engine] task #102129 : threaded accesses to store in
InMemoryExpressionPool : increased perf by a factor of two :-)
- [engine] task #102134 : moved 'purge' and 'when' logic out of expression
stores to expression pool.
- [-all-] task #102112 : as suggested by Calvin R. Smith, using a unique
Timer found as a static member of class Application
- [engine] task #102065 & #102066 : implemented InMemoryExpressionStore and
unthreaded FlowExpression.storeItself()
- [engine] task #102084 : moved engine control logic out of expression stores
and put it in expression pool.
- [engine] task #102080 (swis) : made the ActionDaemon a separate class.
Also made a 'BasicActionDaemon' that implements it.
- [engine] task #102029 : separated ExpressionPool from CachedExpressionPool.
- [engine] task #101895 : cancel flow and cancel expression now produce
history log records.

Posted by John Mettraux 2004-07-26

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