
convert cyrillic into utf-8

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The spider looks great!

    Is there a way to convert webpages in cyrillic(windows-1251)into utf-8?

    I want to spider 4 different domains and 2 of them är are made in cyrillic and 2 in eng/latin1 and I would like tom save them in the same db by using utf-8.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      openwebspider should automatically convert (if possible) each page to UTF-8! Doesn't it?

      Encodings support under openwebspider isn't completed yet!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      tnx for reply,

      No it doesnt convert as it should, get strange characters not cyrillic. Im not used to c++ but when I do these kind of operations with php I have to put in SET NAMES UTF8 when connecting to the db. Im running the spider and mysql 5 on a windows server 2003 eng ver.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      if sqlConnect if think there should be following line added:

          mysql_options(rMysql, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8");

      It is true that UTF-8 should be default for eevery server but from my experience I know that it is not as obvious. However this change doesn't affect cache data. Still investigating it

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      how do i add utf8 to code ?

      which one ?


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