
#68 413a locks up when switching levels in net game

Steve Cox

Downloaded and installed 413a today. Plays fine in net games, but when the server switches to the next level, the game segfaults, leaving the UT splash screen - with no way to clear it but a reboot.

I have downloaded and installed the as well.

Some log stuff:

Log: UDP recvfrom error: 111
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection7 Mon Apr 24 21:45:27 2000
Exit: WinSock shut down
ScriptLog: ORPHANED: Entry.UBrowserServerPing1689
ScriptLog: Ping Timeout from Attempt 1
Log: Flushed Glide TMU 0
Log: Flushed Glide TMU 1
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Log file closed, Mon Apr 24 21:46:04 2000

Does anyone read these bug reports?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Which display driver or viewport manager are you using (XDrv or SDLDrv?)... there have been some problems with Voodoo 3 boards depending on the display settings.

    This could be a network issue though. From the log posted to the Help forum, the client might be refusing server connections. How heavily firewalled is your client?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Which display driver or viewport manager are you using (XDrv or SDLDrv?)... there have been some problems with Voodoo 3 boards depending on the display settings.

    This could be a network issue though. From the log posted to the Help forum, the client might be refusing server connections. How heavily firewalled is your client?

  • Steve Cox

    Steve Cox - 2000-04-28

    I am using XDrv for the viewport manager. I am not firewalled at all - I have a static IP on a 128k ISDN connection.
    Should I try the SDLDrv?
    I did not have this problem until patching up to 413A. I noticed the date stamp on the I downloaded was OLDER than the one the patch installed. (?)

    Thanks for responding!

  • Andy Piper

    Andy Piper - 2000-04-28

    Could this be a problem with the use of ngWorldStats I wonder?

    It might be worth trying the SDLDrv but there have been mixed reports about using it with a Voodoo 3.

  • Tony O'Bryan

    Tony O'Bryan - 2000-05-07

    I get similar behavior when my local stand-alone games switch levels, and especially when trying to switch to the tournament in single player mode on the level with the moving train. Here are the last lines of UnrealTournament.log when trying to switch to the train level (the game also always crashes when I finish this level and attempt to move to the next):

    Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level DM-Barricade.MyLevel
    Log: Flushed Glide TMU 0
    Log: Flushed Glide TMU 1
    Log: Export travel for: Storm_Reaver
    Log: Exporting travelling actor of class Botpack.TMale1
    Log: Exporting travelling actor of class Botpack.ImpactHammer
    Log: Exporting travelling actor of class Botpack.Miniammo
    Log: Exporting travelling actor of class Botpack.Enforcer
    Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Storm_Reaver
    Log: URL: Adding default option Class=BotPack.TMale1
    Log: URL: Adding default option team=0
    Log: URL: Adding default option skin=CommandoSkins.cmdo
    Log: URL: Adding default option Face=CommandoSkins.Blake
    Log: URL: Adding default option Voice=BotPack.VoiceMaleOne
    Log: URL: Adding default option OverrideClass=
    Log: Browse: UT-Logo-Map.unr?Game=Botpack.LadderLoadGame?Name=Storm_Reaver?Class=BotPack.TMale1?team=0?skin=CommandoSkins.cmdo?Face=CommandoSkins.Blake?Voice=BotPack.VoiceMaleOne?OverrideClass=
    Log: LoadMap: UT-Logo-Map.unr?Game=Botpack.LadderLoadGame?Name=Storm_Reaver?Class=BotPack.TMale1?team=0?skin=CommandoSkins.cmdo?Face=CommandoSkins.Blake?Voice=BotPack.VoiceMaleOne?OverrideClass=
    Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level DM-Barricade.MyLevel
    Log: Flushed Glide TMU 0
    Log: Flushed Glide TMU 1
    Log: Collecting garbage
    Log: Log file closed, Sun May 7 17:46:20 2000


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