
OpenTree Library / News: Recent posts

OpenTree Library: 2 Year Anniversary

It's been 2 years now since the OpenTree Library project was founded.

We've had a lot of bug fixes this past year, but also a refactoring to improve the design by separating meshers and generators.

Now to announce a new direction for OpenTree:

OTL Reloaded is a project of OpenTree which intends to redesign and rewrite the library from scratch. The reason for this project is mainly because the current design will not suit the need of our potential users. ... read more

Posted by Seth Yastrov 2006-10-11

OpenTree Library Anniversary Coding Contest 2005

It's been exactly one year since SourceForge accepted our project request and the project is still going. That's a reason to celebrate!

OpenTree is a library which provides 3d tree generation for real-time applications such as games and visualization software.

Impressed by what commercial engines provide, we wanted to have nice trees in our games too. Unfortunately, those commercial engines were not open source and far from cheap. Aware of what effort it would take to create decent trees, we started a cross-platform, engine-independent library in hope that others who would like trees in their games as well will join.... read more

Posted by PK 2005-10-11

Finished code refactoring / website update.

We have finished the complete refactoring of the code.
The new design grants a lot more control over the library and allows an easy exchange of modules. Thanks to this, we can now easily use different tree generation algorithms and look forward to see others such as L-Systems being implemented. Furthermore, the mesher classes, which generate the vertices for the trees, are independent from the generation algorithms so they can be used with all of them.
There are also a few updates about the website. As you might have noticed already, we are now using SourceForges news system. In addition we have a task list online that's being checked out from the cvs every night.
We hope to keep you this way more informed about the progress of OpenTree.

Posted by PK 2005-08-12