
Support .TXF import

  • Steve Nicolai

    Steve Nicolai - 2005-02-27

    There is a standard export format from accounting software to tax preparation software (at least in the US).  It's called TXF and has been around for 15 years or more.  The latest version of the specification is 41, it and older versions can be downloaded from:

    Since the accounting package doesn't have all the data necessary to fill out your tax forms, it can't be the sole source of information, but I would like to have open tax solver read a TXF file in addition to the current input file.  The OTS should be able to override, or to add additional entries to the TXF file.

    • Aston Roberts

      Aston Roberts - 2005-02-28


      Sounds like a great idea.  WIll look into TXF.
      Any help for designing a TXF reader or writer would be appreciated.

      Thanks for the useful info,
      -- Aston


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