
#312 Old FVR/TOF files appear to be cached at Test run time


When you run a Test the compiled scripts (.TOF) and the
.FVR files they reference are copied into the
%OPENSTA_HOME%\Engines\Temp\ dir of the machine they
are to be executed on. These are the copies that are
used during actual test running - so editing the .FVRs
in the Repository won't do anything during a test run,
no suprise.

What appears to be the problem here is that the .FVR
files can get "stuck" so the first copy that gets
placed in the Engines\Temp\ cannot be overwritten or
deleted. So the next time you run a Test this will be
used again. Because this file cannot be deleted even
with the Commander closed it's probably something in
the Architecture that is holding the file exclusively
open - the fact that it can start working again
suggests to me that whatever it is eventually times out
or sometimes works.

It is not unimaginable that the same thing could happen
with the .TOF files giving the old cached Scripts that
has also been reported. Couldn't reproduce this though...

- Close down nameserver and delete all .TOF and .FVR
files from %OPENSTA_HOME%\Engines\Temp\ - restart


  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    • assigned_to: nobody --> dansut

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