
Packaging Open Source for the Enterprise

Akia Systems seeks to ease the burden of small and middle business adoption of open source technology by adopting and developing applications best suited to make a comprehensive, reliable and supported open source platform. By adopting and developing high standards, Akia has been able to move beyond selection, testing and deployment issues, to more substantive issues of usability, reliability and support of the adopted package.

To achieve it's goal, Akia Systems has developed and supports a complete application server platform to easily service it's application package. The necessity was to move beyond the limitations and drawbacks of conventional compiled source packaging, to a complete platform, more static and designed to be supported for a much longer time period.

The goal of replacing cumbersome configuration, setup and deployment headaches with plug-in procedures, has been achieved. The server platform is easy to use and maintain.

The enterprise server platform, the OpenSource Kit 2.6 Linux version, was released on SourceForge on August 3, 2004. A Windows version is due for release August 24, 2004.

Posted by coredevelopment 2004-08-05

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