
What would it take to get Direct CCLI import working again?

  • Tom

    Tom - 2014-08-26

    Hello all, first off myself and the church I go to are new to open song, but it is awesome. I noticed that the CCLI import doesn't work. I read through the forums here a bit but I was wondering what would it take to make it work again? If it even was possible? Would it take a donation of some-kind?

    All info on this would be awesome! Thanks

  • Vwout

    Vwout - 2014-08-26

    A developer with a CCLI account would help.
    That way an investigation could be done to check whether it is possible at all.

  • Tom

    Tom - 2014-09-01

    What if I could give a dev access through the account at my church?


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