
#406 Resize images settings


The resize setting is represented on screen by two chekboxes, Resize images to fit the screen and Resize images to fit the body area.

In the file, the setting is represented by one attribute, having one of three possible values:


If the value of resize is empty, the GUI still has a tick in the Resize to screen box when you revisit the item i.e. when the program has to read the settings from the file and show it on screen.

A minor inconsitency without any impact is the fact that, on the image slide, the checkbox for Keep aspect ratio gets disabled when none of the resize checkboxes is ticked, on the song it is always enabled. In my oppinion you can keep it enabled.


  • Vwout

    Vwout - 2013-06-27

    If the value of resize is empty, the default image handling settings apply, so if the defaults have a tick in the 'resize to screen' box, you will get a tick there in the song and image slide by default. If this does not work at your installation, please let me know.

    The aspect ratio is disabled if fit to song and screen is not checked because it then is implicit, the image is just put on the screen as is, to that would mean a tick by default that cannot be unselected, therefore the tickbox is just disabled.

    The only inconsistency I could find is that the keep-aspect-ratio box with the song editor is not behaving as intended (similar to the image slide). I will fix that.

    • SvA

      SvA - 2013-06-27

      If the value of resize is empty, the default image handling settings apply

      If it indeed works like this, then this is a design flaw, because then I have to set defaults to not resize as the only possibility for having my image not resized in the end.

      Only the absence of the attribute should have the effect of drawing in the default values. (Note: no attribute vs. empty string as value)

      I had Resize to screen set as default in General Settings, and the system bahaved exactly the same as in 1.7, where the same display flaw was present already, there without any default settings available.
      I turnd Resize off in General settings and found, that the display in fact is related to the default settings. Fortunately, the image slide does not behave as it displays, but as I saved it. Even if I make changes in the slide other than the Resize options, the value is not changed but remains as I set it before.

      So If I have Resize to screen as default in Genaral setting and create an image slide, the default is set and saved to the set file (resize="screen").
      When I now go and clear the check mark from the Resize to screen checkbox and save the set the value in the file changes to the empty string (resize="").
      When I now change to another set entry and back to this one, a chek mark is displayed again in the Resize to screen checkbox. When I now modify something, say the title, and save, the saved value changed to resize="screen", even though I did not alter it.
      But when I, display the set, after having revisited the image slide entry, but without saving, my image does not get resized, just as I set it up but contrary to what it displayed.

      So, the end result of this contemplation is:
      1. An attribute resize="" should be represented with two unticked checkboxes and not be modified according to default settings by the program.
      2. A missing attribute resize should cause the program to set the property according to defaults and save those values in case the item gets modified.
      • Vwout

        Vwout - 2013-06-28

        You are correct, on the way to work this morning I realised this.

        My proposal is slightly different from what you propose:
        1. An attribute resize="" will result to using the default image settings
        2. A new attribute resize="none" will be set in case none of the resize boxes is ticked when saving a song/slide

        • SvA

          SvA - 2013-06-28

          This would look cleaner, but break backward compatibility.

  • Vwout

    Vwout - 2013-06-27
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Vwout
  • Vwout

    Vwout - 2013-06-29
    • status: pending --> closed
  • Vwout

    Vwout - 2013-06-29

    I implemented it the way you proposed (revision 855). As alternative the default image handling can also be set by using the attribute value 'default'. This value has the same effect as when the attribute would not be present at all.



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