Nathan Shaffer - 2015-11-30

When creating transcripts for students, the school (and the grade for that year) which appears in red does not show the correct year. Even in the opensis demo, it shows 12th grade for 9th grade students. Ours shows Preschool. The error should be somewhere around

if($firstrec['SCHOOL_ID']!='' && $firstrec['SYEAR']!='')
$gradelevel=DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT sg.TITLE FROM school_gradelevels sg,student_enrollment se WHERE se.SCHOOL_ID='.$firstrec['SCHOOL_ID'].' AND se.SYEAR='.$firstrec['SYEAR'].' AND se.GRADE_ID=sg.ID ORDER BY se.ID DESC LIMIT 0,1'));

in /modules/grades/Transcripts.php

Screen shot below shows transcript for an 8th grader (first year enrolled)


Last edit: Nathan Shaffer 2015-11-30