
OpenSIPS/OpenSER-a versatile SIP Server / News: Recent posts

Distributed dialog profiles

The dialog profiles have been enhanced with support for the CacheDB
Key-Value Interface[1] in order to provide support for distributed
profiles. This new feature will allow script writers to share dialog
profiles between multiple instances of OpenSIPS that share the same
NoSQL backend, allowing you to create complex scenarios like distributed load balancing.

In order to use the new distributed profiles, you will only have to
define the CacheDB URL [2] and mark the profiles as shared[3].... read more

Posted by Vladut-Stefan Paiu 2012-02-15

OpenSIPS Configuration and Scripting Tool

A new OpenSIPS configuration tool has been just added to OpenSIPS trunk, and it will also be present in the future 1.8 release.
This is a graphical tool that allows in an easy way to configure, compile and generate OpenSIPS configuration files - all by simply running
make menuconfig

Currently, the Interface allows the user to do the following :

1. Configure OpenSIPS compilation related options such as :
- Compilation Flags. For example, the user can now easily compile in TCP support from within the GUI, or enable memory allocation debugging, etc. Each compilation flag functionality is explained in short in the GUI.
- Module Compilation Selection. The user can now easily select to compile modules that have external dependencies, and that are not compiled in by default. For example, the user can choose to also enable the MySQL support by enabling the db_mysql module. The interface will also notify the user about the dependencies that must be installed based on the modules that the user has selected.
- Installation Prefix. The user can use the GUI to configure the OpenSIPS installation path to be used... read more

Posted by Vladut-Stefan Paiu 2012-02-15

LUA scripting in OpenSIPS routing

A new *LUA* module has been added to OpenSIPS trunk, and will also be present in the future 1.8 release.

The module allows the script writer to call external LUA scripts that
make use of the more advanced features of the scripting language.
Thus, with the new LUA module, you can easily implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in LUA.

The LUA module also has embedded MySQL and Memcache connectors, so you can easily make use of those two back-ends from within your LUA scripts.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2012-01-06

Cassandra driver for key-value distributed DB

A new *CACHEDB_CASSANDRA* module has been added to OpenSIPS trunk, and it will also be present in the future 1.8 release.

The module implements the Key-Value Interface [1] to allow the script writer and also the module writer to connect and do Key-Value type operations ( store,fetch and remove ) on a Cassandra database.

For a full documentation of the module and current limitations, visit [2] .
Testing and feedback is very much welcomed.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2012-01-06

OpenSIPS Pavilion @ ITExpo 2012

Continuing the project tradition, during the ITExpo 2012 event, 1-3 February 2012, OpenSIPS project will host the OpenSIPS Pavilion in booth #535.

The OpenSIPS Pavilion is a common exhibiting area under the OpenSIPS project umbrella gathering companies doing business with or around the OpenSIPS project

The message sent by the participants to the OpenSIPS Pavilion is :

"Yes, we do open source in our business and OpenSIPS is a reliable and powerful component for industry solution!... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-12-22

Distributed SIP capturing with OpenSIPS

A new sipcapture module was contributed to OpenSIPS: sipcapture

The Sipcapture module allows OpenSIPS to operate as a robust and scalable SIP sampling/capture server
with native support for HEPv1/v2, IPIP Encapsulation protocols and switch mirroring/monitoring port
OpenSIPS can operate either as Capture Agent (siptrace module, HEP mode) sampling and forwarding
packets or as Capture Node (sipcapture module) collecting, indexing and storing SIP packets as received
from the available Capture Agents (HEP), Acme SBCs (IPIP) or directly from the ethernet wire.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-12-14

First OpenSIPS eBootcamp on 2012

A first OpenSIPS eBootcamp training session for 2012 was scheduled for
15th of February 2012

This new eBootcamp session targets OpenSIPS 1.7.1 with the following content:
SIP introduction
OpenSIPS introduction
SQL support (authentication, aliases, domains)
OpenSIPS Control Panel web interface
PSTN connectivity (dialplan, ACLs, drouting, failover)
Advanced SIP Call Flows (parallel and serial forking, call forwarding, call transfer)
SIP presence
SIP Dialog Awareness (profiling, topology hiding, security)
Load Balancing with OpenSIPS
OpenSIPS High Availability
SIP NAT traversal
OpenSIPS accounting and billing
SIP security (floods, auth, DNS poisoning, register attacks, TLS and SRTP)
OpenSIPS B2BUA ( topology hiding )... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-12-12

OpenSIPS 1.7.1 minor release

OpenSIPS 1.7.1 - a minor release on the 1.7 main branch - was release today.

This release contains only bug fixing (additional to 1.7.0) - crashes, malfunctions and compliance issues - but no functionality, scripting or interfacing were changed.

OpenSIPS 1.7.1 contains important fixes in critical modules (like dialog and registration support) and in core part - it is highly recommended to upgrade - OpenSIPS 1.7.1 is now available for download on project web site and SF download system.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-11-23

Enhancements of Ratelimit Module

The new version of "ratelimit" module on 1.8.0 (trunk) comes with a set of major enhancements:

1) Dynamic and flexible pipes

The new version of ratelimit module allows you to create an unlimited number of pipes and even more, in a dynamic way at runtime (versus the old version where the number of pipes was limited to 16 and they had to be statically defined).
This is very helpful when you want to do rate-limiting on a per subscriber-base, on a per trunk-base, etc. ; you can create on the fly pipes for each subscriber / trunk / gw, etc, without the need of pre-defining them.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-11-03

OpenSIPS Live System

OpenSIPS LiveVM is a ready to run Virtual Machine (VMware based) which contain a basic OpenSIPS-based SIP residential platform. It contains a provider system that offers the following functionalities:

* SIP registrar with subscriber management
* SIP proxy with dynamic dialplan
* NAT traversal
* Multi-Domain support
* PSTN inbound and outbound connectivity with LCR
* User provisioning WEB interface
* System provisioning WEB interface
* OpenSIPS LiveVM is the second version released... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-11-01

HTTP interface for Management Interface

An alpha version of the http interface for mi is available in trunk.
The new http interface comes as an addition to the existing fifo,
datagram and xmlrpc interfaces.
More info about the new interface can be found here:

For debian users, the following libraries are required in order to
build and run the interface.
- libmicrohttpd-dev
- libmicrohttpd5... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-10-28

RabbitMQ support for Event Interface

OpenSIPS has been enhanced with a new module called event_rabbitmq. This module allows the proxy to feed a RabbitMQ server ( with useful runtime events and information about OpenSIPS.

More exactly, **event_rabbitmq** is designed as a transport module for the new OpenSIPS Event Interface and implements a RabbitMQ client able to send information to a server using the AMQP protocol. Therefore you can take advantage of all the features the Event Interface provides[2]: subscribe multiple servers for different events, raise custom events from script etc.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-10-19

Key-Value Interface - cache / DB backends

A Key-Value interface has been recently added to OpenSIPS trunk and it will be present in the 1.8 release.

Key-Value interface added into OpenSIPS provides an easy way for the script writer and the module writer to transparently access different Key-Value type back-ends, very similar to the way the DB interface allows easy connection to different types of SQL databases.

Modules that offer actual back-end connection will use the Key-Value interface in order to provide the actual functionality to the end-user. At the current stage in time there are three modules that use the interface to provide functionality... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-10-06

GRUU Implementation for REGISTRAR

The GRUU SIP extension [1] has been recently added to OpenSIPS trunk and it will be present in the 1.8 release.

A GRUU ( Globally Routable User Agent URI ) is specifically designed to implement reliable routing to a specific device for an end user. While a plain SIP URI, such as, is a URI that refers to a user, a GRUU is a URI that refers to a specific device.
Certain SIP scenarios ( REFER for example ) rely on the fact that a given URI will route to the specific device, but prior to the GRUU extension there was no mechanism to reliably do this.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-10-05

Planning for OpenSIPS 1.8.0 Release

While the next OpenSIPS major release ( 1.8.0 ) is expected for early 2012, we have already started working on the new features that will be integrated into 1.8.0, and decided to share all the future additions with the community.

By going to [1], you can find all the new things that have already been developed and that currently reside in the trunk branch [2] , as well as the features that are planned to be in 1.8.0 and that will be developed and integrated [3].... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-10-05

New OpenSIPS Ebootcamp training session

New OpenSIPS eBootcamp scheduled to start on 19th of September 2011 -

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-07-28

OpenSIPS 1.7.0 major release

One more half an year, one more major release - OpenSIPS 1.7.0 beta release is out

*OpenSIPS 1.7.0* comes with several major improvements (DB area, dialog support, TCP and debugging), but also with new functionalities (like Event Notification Interface, UAC Registrant module, scripting support, etc).

A complete compilation with all the additions and improvements for *OpenSIPS 1.7.0 *release is available under: read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-07-12

ClueCon 2011 - talks and free training

OpenSIPS project will be attend to ClueCon on August 9-11, 2011 ( ), one of the most important VoIP events, for both talking about OpenSIPS and VoIP anf for giving a short Quick Start Training for OpenSIPS.

All details on both events can be found under:

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-07-11

What is new in OpenSIPS 1.7.0

Here is a compiled list with what is new in OpenSIPS 1.7.0 version:

It was a tremendous job to go through all SVN commits, to filter the relevant changes (for users) and I hope nothing was left over.

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-07-06

SVN freeze - 1.7 release

SVN freeze for testing and preparing the new upcoming release of OpenSIPS 1.7 -

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-06-30

New OpenSIPS Ebootcamp training session

Following the user demand on the OpenSIPS eBootcamp training, a new session was scheduled for
2nd of May 2011

The eBootcamp session targets OpenSIPS 1.6.4 with the following content:
SIP introduction
OpenSIPS introduction
SQL support (auth, aliases, domains)
OpenSIPS Control Panel web interface
PSTN connectivity (dialplan, ACLs, drouting, failover)
Advanced SIP Call Flows (parallel and serial forking, call forwarding, call transfer)
SIP presence
SIP Dialog Awareness
Load Balancing with OpenSIPS
OpenSIPS High Availability
SIP NAT traversal
OpenSIPS accounting and billing
SIP security (floods, auth, DNS poisoning, register attacks, TLS and SRTP)
OpenSIPS B2BUA ( topology hiding )... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-04-12

OpenSIPS tests for performance degradation

We have performed some tests using OpenSIPS 1.6.4 to simulate some real life scenarios, to get an idea on the load that can be handled by OpenSIPS and to see what is the performance penalty you get when using some OpenSIPS features like dialog support, DB authentication, DB accounting, memory caching, etc.

A total of 11 tests were performed, using 11 different scenarios. The goal was to achieve the highest possible CPS in the given scenario, store load samples from the OpenSIPS proxy and then analyze the results. The base test used was that of a simple stateful SIP proxy. Than we kept adding features on top of this very basic configuration, features like loose routing, dialog support, authentication and accounting.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-03-16

Load monitoring and troubleshooting

OpenSIPS trunk was enhanced with some new functionality for load
monitoring and load debugging. The idea is to make easier for the user to figure out what is bottlenecking the system, whether it's the DNS, the database connection or the actual processing of the SIP message while going through the script:

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-03-09

OpenSIPS monthly comunity meeting

As part of the effort of making OpenSIPS project as open and as interactive (to the users) as possible, we plan to start a program of public online meetings with the community - the basic idea is to try to involve as much people as possible in the process of running and guiding the OpenSIPS project -via a open and public discussion :)

Identify issues that needs to be addressed - issues may be technical (like tech work, features, improvements, contributions, etc) or management (lists, SVN/GIT, etc). NOTE: the meetings will identify the issues, we DO NOT plan to resolve the issues during these meetings (who, how and when to solve will be decided in the meeting)... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-02-21

OpenSIPS 2.0 (new design) code release

After like one year of heavy development, I'm proud to announce the first code release of OpenSIPS 2.0 .

This is a version still under heavy development, with limited capability and functionality.

For all details (what can do, how to use, where to get), visit:

This is not a production-suitable version, but I want to encourage people to download, compile, test and analyse it as much as possible. Any feedback or comments on the code, approached with used, etc, are more than welcome.... read more

Posted by Bogdan-Andrei Iancu 2011-02-17