

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    great job. The first dvd ripper that worked flawlessly for me. Two suggestions though:

    a) Please make the app remember last settings or add a menu to easily set up different configurations.
    b) The subtitle rendering is barely readable. Very thick letters that bleed into one another. Moreover: Changing the color doesn't work on my machine.

    Let me know if you need any details.
    Keep it on!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've experienced the same problem. Fortunately color changes seem to work for me (using version 0.8.7).

      Nevertheless it would appear that the colors could/should have been set correctly from the start. It looks to me as though the "bleeding letters" problems is due to foreground and background (letter and contour) colors being swapped.

      When I set the colors manually the titles look much better.

      However, I noticed another problem. It seems that the subtitles jump around and leave "traces" in the image anytime the image is not completely static (e.g. an object mvong behind the titles) near the titles.

      Some details about the settings I used: I was using 3ivx encoder with default settings and including audio encoding decoding. I haven't tried other decoder settings yet.

      Other than that, Openshiiva seems to work really well.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Perhaps this may be of interest to somebody...

      After posting the previous message above, and experimenting a bit more with the subtitles, settings etc... it appears that the "jumpy" subtitles happen when the contours around the letters are dark and the letters themselves are light in color. If the interior of the letters is darker than the contours then it looks pretty much flawlessly and no jittery effect appears.

      I'm sure somebody with a better understanding of the image encoding algos might be able to explain why this happens.


      And thanks for building openShiiva!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I must "revoke" my previous comment about colors. Whatever this problem is caused by ??? it is not the colors.

      I have been able to encode two feature movies with great quality including flawless subtitles. Whatever it was that I did to get these strange psychedlics in the subtitles I'm not sure but it seems to work now with any color setting and either XVid or 3ivx (and I've hade the problem with both codecs).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I had the jittery subtitles back in the day.... it was caused by deselecting either the altivec instructions or multithreading debug options (i think it was multithreading), leaving them checked fixed this, but I guess this doesn't apply to 087

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      About the jittery subtitles. The previous posts diagnosis appears to be correct. The mafunction happesn when the multi-threading option is unchecked.

      So... now that this problem is solved :-)

      Another problem has cropped up wrt subtitles.

      I have this movy I'm trying to encode, with subtitles. Openshiiva appears to be confused about what colors to use for what. Now... in all other cases this has happened it wasn't a big deal since one could always manually mess around with them to get them right.

      However, this time the very annoying thing which happens is that the background color (which basicallay appears to cover the whole screen, except for the letters) is set to be opaque.

      I tried checking and unchecking "decode transparancy table" but the only effect of that was to make the letters transparant. So, in the best of cases I could watch a tiny fraction of the movy through a bunch of "subtitle keyholes".

      Does anybody know of a way to work around this bug (I'm assuming that this is abug and not a problem with the DVD, after all it plays just fine with subtitles in a DVD player or the Mac DVD player)?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have the same problem here. If i choose to decode subtitles, the foreground color takes place over the movie. Playing with the "Decode transparency table" doesn't help and only affects letter's inner color.
      So yes, it seems to be a bug.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Do you have any suggestions for optimal subtitle colors for a black and white film?

        Also, the mp4 files don't have subtitles on them after converting from VOB.  Are the subtitles on a separate track that need to be added on in iMovie or Final Cut? 


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