
Anyone able to give quick guide to quality?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I was wondering if anyone could either help me out in giving me a quick hits version of levels of quality when converting VOBs to MP4s or a link to a fairly plain-languaged guide to the same?  There are certain options like "optimize MP4 file" which are obviously separate from things like key frame interval and BFrames and Quantizer, but in the latter group, where you are dealing with scaled options, all I would need is higher/lower for better quality.  Additionally if someone out there has some fairly standard numbers for different qualities and file sizes that you may use or know, I'd appreciate that too.  (IE A key frame interval of X with BFrames at y and the quantizer set to z is incredible quality, but the file will be near a gig whereas with these slightly lesser settings I've found that you don't lose much quality but the file is 1/3 the size.)

    Any help appreciated on this matter, thanks!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I could really use a "quality info guide", too!



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