
#64 openserctl adding users problem

ver 1.3.x

bug found in openser 1.2.2, 1.3.3 OS : Solaris 10

problem1 :

when adding users tho the database using openserctl add feature there is an incompatibility issues with tail command specifically with gnu tail and the following message will appear at adding user time :

usage: tail [+/-[n][lbc][f]] [file]
tail [+/-[n][l][r|f]] [file]

is_user: user counter=

Error : user 'zzzz' already exist

solution :

for Solairs users , they have to use Solaris tail instead of gnu tail, it can be found in Solaris 10 installation DVD or CDS at name :SUNWxcu4

install it as following :

# cd /path/to/installation-DVD/Solaris_10/Product
# pkgadd -d . SUNWxcu4

finally add the package's path to $PATH variable

e.g /usr/xpg4/bin:

note : you must add xcu4 path before this one /usr/bin

or you will still have the same problem


this problem belongs to md5sum command, the problem comes from when adding users using openserctl add it will complains that the command is not found which is not installed by default with Solairs installation you may in face this message

in version 1.2.2 : md5sum command not found

in version 1.3.3 :

//lib/openser/openserctl/openserctl.base: line 592 : md5sum : command not found

//lib/openser/openserctl/openserctl.base: line 603 : md5sum : command not found

Solution :

first download the package contains md5sum command in any directory :

# wget

And then extract the package and install it as following :

bash-3.00# bunzip2 SFWcoreu.pkg.bz2
bash-3.00# pkgadd -d SFWcoreu.pkg

finally put the path /opt/sfw/bin in ur $PATH variable




  • Henning Westerholt

    Hi Muhammad,

    thanks for the report. Do i understand it correctly, all this issues can be fixed with installing the appropriate sun solaris packages?



  • Muhammad Akl

    Muhammad Akl - 2008-09-11

    hi henning ,

    yeah, as you said the solution of these problems depends primarily on those packages , if they were installed everything will be fine

  • Daniel-Constantin Mierla

    Hi Muhammad, perhaps you can start a page on dokuwiki for Solaris specific actions:

    so it can be referred easier.

  • Muhammad Akl

    Muhammad Akl - 2008-09-11

    Hi Miconda

    ok , i try soon adding a simplified howto install for both versions of openser

    and after finishing will document them in great details



  • Henning Westerholt

    • labels: 780603 -->
    • milestone: 788777 --> ver 1.3.x
  • Henning Westerholt

    Documentation issue, move this to docs section


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