
Open Site Builder: Web developer tools / News: Recent posts

OSB Tools version 3.6.2 (stable) released

Minor corrections to the code to eliminate numerous warnings and notices that cluttered the interface.

All functions now have DocBlocs.

No new functionality / bugfixes.

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2014-05-09 Labels: 3.6.2

OSB Tools version 3.6.1 (stable) released

A bugfix release correcting the handling of new (non existent) target folders. Now when entering a source folder OSB checks the existance of a target folder and creates it if necessary.

Please upgrade your 3.6.0 setup.

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2007-04-27

OSB Tools version 3.6 (stable) released

This release adds a new feature, automatic sitemap generation.

The last modification date for your pages is calculated automatically and you have control over page names, priorities and change frequencies values. After the sitemap is uploaded with the site you may submit its url to most search engines to optimize the crawling process.

OSB Tools is a project oriented on professional internet developers. The primary goal is to generate the site documents from content files by including each of them into a predefined template with site layout. By modifying the template document you may recreate the complete site. Modification of a single content document only triggers this file regeneration. Other features include full menu and navigation bars control on per-page or per-folder basis, use of entities and macros, smart ftp uploads and more.... read more

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2007-03-31

OSB Tools version 3.5.1 (stable) released

A bugfix release correcting OSB Ftp Uploader behaviour. Please upgrade your 3.5.0 setup.

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2007-03-23

OSB Tools version 3.5 (stable) released

A new version 3.5 of Open Site Builder Tools is released.

The OSB script was reworked to accommodate more site developer tools, like OSB Log Analyzer and OSB FTP Uploader. Configuration interface was fully remastered to provide easy access to multiple tools from one place.

Open Site Builder automates the essential task of a web site development mechanism—populating a predefined page template with information from content files and generating the target web site documents. OSB main features include simple per-page or per-directory template modification, user-defined entities and macros etc. OSB was designed to produce static html pages which do not need the additional template rendering engine at run-time. It may also be used by intranet systems developers to effectively separate page layout design from application logic implementation.... read more

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2007-03-05

opensb 3 released

i'm glad and proud to announce that open site builder today comes to version 3 with the long awaited ability to dismiss all of the numerous section files from each of your folder. this feature lets you clean your source folders, better organize your work and brings aesthetics to the development process. you can now have all your sections defined in one xml file in each given folder. most of reusable sections may even be stored in an outside repository and be accessed from all of your source folders by providing a link from these xml files.
the updated reference is on the way, you may already download and use the code from our project site at
to use the feature just place a file named _sections.xml in each folder where you have section files defined. file structure is as follows:
<section name="section1">Content of section1</section>
<section name="section2" filename="file" />
as you can see for section2 you may provide a filename instead of section content. this way you may organize your repository of often used sections and change section once to see it changed globally.

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2004-01-20

opensb 2.4.1 released

a bugfix release with added compatibility settings for Windows platform to translate \n into \r\n for log and sql files

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2003-12-06

opensb 2.4 released

open site builder 2.4 released today with some changes in configuration and functionality. please see file release for details

Posted by Stas Trefilov 2003-11-23