
OpenRTSS / News: Recent posts

A Major Change in Direction

After much thought and investigation, it has been decided to use Unity instead of Python-Ogre. The main down-side of Python-Ogre was the lack of a proper editor (Ogitor is just too limited).
Work is now going on in earnest with Unity, which now offers a FREE version. Unity is an incredibly fast and flexible development environment.
Note: we have also kept the Python-Ogre folder, just in case someone is interested in picking it up.

Posted by Mohican 2012-04-12

Big Progress over the past few Days

Integration with Ogitor is under way. This will give us access to a supported and fully featured open-source editor.
Now getting to the point where all the elements are in place to move forward with a complete remake of the "duel" savage mod.

Posted by Mohican 2011-07-25

A bit of progress this week

Started to add some flesh to the Bones.
The Menus in particular are getting closer to what they should be.
Started also to transfer script data from XR to OpenSavage (Config, Objects).

Posted by Mohican 2011-07-15

Short Hiatus

I am satisfied with the basic building blocks that are now in-place.
The choice of Python-Ogre for the project feels like it was right!
I will now concentrate on releasing Savage XR 1.0 for the end of this month. Once that's done and dusted, I will be able to get going full-pelt on the openRTSS engine!!

Posted by Mohican 2011-06-15

New Python-Ogre SDK for Ubuntu

After much effort and headaches, I have managed to compile the Python-Ogre SDK for Ubuntu. It does not contain yet as many components as the Windows one, but I will add them as I go along.
For now, it is possible to run the current SVN code with this SDK.

Posted by Mohican 2011-05-18

New Python-Ogre SDK

I have rebuilt the Python-Ogre SDK with the fixed Raknet Lib.
The new SDK uses a folder structure that replicates a standard python installation. This makes maintenance easier.
Please download the new SDK files on sourceforge if you are using OpenRTSS from SVN.

Posted by Mohican 2011-05-12

Raknet Bug Fixed!

After spending much time learning how to compile Python-Ogre from scratch, I was able to debug Raknet and find the crash bug.
I can now go back to coding the engine itself tomorrow!

Posted by Mohican 2011-05-11

Raknet Bug Investigation

There is a serious bug with the Raknet module that causes crashes few seconds after a connection. So I am investigating by re-compiling python-ogre and 3rd -party modules from scratch in debug mode.
I am also looking at compilation with pypy, to compare the performance against regular python.

Posted by Mohican 2011-05-11

Steady progress on Codebase

Two more Classes are now virtually finished: Cvars and Diff.
It is soon coming to the point where it will be possible to start Game Logics programming!

Posted by Mohican 2011-05-07

Update on Codebase

Most the main Classes have been drafted, and the skeleton of the code structure is in place.

The current SVN versions can be launched, and shows a simple terrain, interface, console.
It contains basic networking code that connect a player to the server when the 'play' button is pressed.

Posted by Mohican 2011-05-05

Project Launch

The project openRTSS has been launched and is in planning phase.
Here is some early information about the concepts:

Team of players fight for domination over a world map, with one player in each time playing the game as an RTS, and his teammates as an FPS.

The engine will be comprised of two parts:
(1) A C++ Codebase, for core engine functions such as Networking/Rendering/Python Wrapper.
(2) A Python Codebase, for game logics implementation.... read more

Posted by Mohican 2011-05-05