
Help testing openQRM 5.1 - get a free openQRM coffee mug

Dear openQRM Community,

Your experience, opinion and help is valuable for us!

For the upcoming 5.1 release we have spent countless days to bring you the best openQRM version ever. Now we would love to get your feedback and suggestions to make the final release even better.

Therefore we would like to kindly invite you to the openQRM 5.1 beta program on behalf of openQRM Enterprise! Please visit

to participate and get a free 60 days trial openQRM 5.1-beta Enterprise Edition.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

We are looking forward to spread free openQRM Coffee mugs for the first 50 humans who send us qualified feedback until August 31st!

Many thanks and have a nice day,

Matt Rechenburg
Project Manager openQRM

Posted by Matt 2013-08-07

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