
Add pc to OpenQRM?

  • Bob

    Bob - 2009-11-20


    I have my installation working. But now I cant seem to add a PC.

    The client pc boots by PXE boot then everything seems to be going fine no errors, untill I get the following message:
    wget: Cannot connect to remote host ( Connection refused

    I dont see why it has to connect to a remote host anyway since this is his own IP.

    I have the following plugins installed: VMware2, local-storage, local server, tftpd and dhcpd. I have no idea how to configure local-storage because when i follow the steps I get the following errors:

  • Bob

    Bob - 2009-11-20

    bob@OpenQrm-01:/usr/lib/openqrm/plugins/dhcpd/etc$ sudo ssh /tmp/openqrm-local-server integrate -u openqrm -p openqrm -q -i eth0
    root@'s password:
    Integrating system to openQRM-server at -i
    Using eth0
    Getting openqrm-client package
    tar: openqrm-client.tgz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    /tmp/openqrm-local-server: line 54: /openqrm/include/openqrm-functions: No such file or directory
    /tmp/openqrm-local-server: line 55: openqrm_chkconfig: command not found
    /tmp/openqrm-local-server: line 56: /openqrm/etc/init.d/openqrm-client: No such file or directory
    ERROR: Could not create the appliance resource on the openQRM-server!
    NOTCIE: Removing the system from openQRM because of errors !
    Removing system from openQRM-server at -i
    WARNING: Could not remove the appliance resource from the openQRM-server!
    ERROR: Could not remove system from the openQRM-server!

    Thanks for your help and have a nice weekend.


  • Bob

    Bob - 2009-11-20

    Oh sorry I was able to copy the file with scp btw.

    And since i cant edit i have to post 3x to get this right..

    bob@OpenQrm-01:/usr/lib/openqrm/plugins/dhcpd/etc$ sudo scp /usr/lib/openqrm/plugins/local-server/bin/openqrm-local-server
    root@'s password:
    openqrm-local-server                          100% 5726     5.6KB/s   00:00

    This part happend be4 the 2nd post.


  • Matt

    Matt - 2009-11-23

    Hi Bob,

    there seems to be a serious problem in your setup which (I guess) is caused by errors during the initialization.
    Which ip address is displayed in the resource overview for your openQRM server ?
    The reason I am asking is that from your first post logs I can see that the (pxe-) booting systems trying to get the parameters from which is localhost and definitely not the openQRM server.
    From what I can see from your further logs also other files created by init are missing.

    Before going on I would like to recommend to make sure that openQRM was initialized correctly.

    many thanks + have a nice day,


  • Fausto Teixeira

    Fausto Teixeira - 2010-02-19

    Dear Bob,

    I know a long time has passed since your post, which I only saw today - without any replies as seems to be very common here in openQRM land.

    I seem to have overcome the many errors executing the "integrate" operation by breaking the operation into two parts:

        (a) logging on the target machine - yes, it can be via ssh - and 
        (b) executing the command there, i.e.,

    # sudo ssh <IP-of-target-machine>          # in your case
    # /tmp/openqrm-local-server integrate -u openqrm -p openqrm -q <IP-of-openQRM-server> -i eth0

    By the way, you seem to have left out the IP of the server.




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