
Image versioning

  • Jim C. Nasby

    Jim C. Nasby - 2006-01-04

    How does openQRM handle image versioning? In other words can you do something like produce a diff between two specific images? Or, can you start with a base image, make changes to it and instead of storing an entire new image just add the changes to the existing image? If so, how?

    • Ofir

      Ofir - 2006-01-05

      Each image is a complete filesystem.
      When comparing NFS based images, you can mount the image directory and run a recursive diff (diff -r --brief image1 image2).
      iSCSI images are block devices. To compare them mount each image and then run the recursive diff.

      However, if you want to use several images with similar configuration, I suggest you use the "shared image" feature - by marking an image (in the openQRM filesystem image managment screen) as "shared", you make it possible to assign it multiple times.
      Those instances will have the same base filesystem, but with "private" data for each.
      See the "Shared Image" documentation at


    • Jordan Greenberg

      I personally like keeping a fairly generic base environment around and cloning then customizing it for various VE's


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