
OpenProg as pure 3,3V uW programmer - which circuits can be omitted?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-05-05


    I would like to build a 3,3V only micro-wire programmer based on OpenProg.

    Can I omit RC0, RC1 and RC2 circuits and then add a voltage regulator after the PIC?

    Should I consider the LF (2 - 5.5V) version of PIC18F2550 and voltage regulator at the input of the PIC?

    Any advice will be appreciated.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2016-06-07
  • Alberto Maccioni

    For sure the DCDC high voltage part is not needed; VDD control is also not essential.
    In case you use an external 3.3V regulator you need to reconfigure the device so that it doesn't use the internal one; and you have to connect VUSB to 3.3V.
    The regular 18F2550 should be fine as well.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-11-24

    Hello All?
    I have toruble to read\write PIC18F14K50 with OP v 9.1
    When i start this string:
    ./op -d 18F14K50 -ee -s _bootloader.hex
    I got this message:
    root@md:/usr/local/op_v9# ./OP_RUN
    Programmer detected on /dev/usb/hiddev0
    Firmware version 0.9.0
    Hardware ID: 0.0.1 (18F2550)

    USB voltage too low (VUSB<4.5V)
    USB voltage too low (VUSB<4.5V)
    HV regulator error
    Programmer detected on /dev/usb/hiddev0
    Firmware version 0.9.0
    Hardware ID: 0.0.1 (18F2550)

    3.3V Regulator not detected

    I tryed to program PIC18F14K50 by the LVP 3v3 power scheme from the
    Flashsh Memory Programming Specification from Microchip. (Figure 2-3)
    Would You like to help me understand my error?

  • Alberto Maccioni

    Apparently you're not using the 3.3V expansion board that is required to program that device.



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