
Open PLM Technology Architecture

  • Eugenio

    Eugenio - 2005-04-07

    Open discussion on technologies, languages, infrastructure to be supported/used developing Open PLM

    • Jose Valverde

      Jose Valverde - 2005-06-27

      What is your inteded user market and how robust do you want the solution to be?

      A.  PHP (LAMP stack)

      1.  Runs everywhere
      2.  Very easy to find inexpensive hosting for
      3.  Easy to find developers for
      4.  Easier to learn
      5.  Easy to deploy

      1.  Integrating seperate external engines, frameworks, etc is very hard
      2.  Very UI centric ( web/HTML)

      B.  Java

      1.  More "enterprise friendly" ( not bashing anything else).
      2.  Many best of breed frameworks available ( integrate/reuse vs build) for persistence, integration, business rules, etc
      3.  Tons of flexibility

      1.  Harder to learn
      2.  Harder to deploy
      3.  Hosting is more expensive
      4.  Promotes the "overengineering" of things

      If you want the solution to be more appealing to enterprises, then you go the java route.  If you only want to target small business, then PHP would be OK.  Just my two cents.

      I actually have a needs for an open source PLM solution :)

      Good luck!

    • jagarlamudi

      jagarlamudi - 2005-11-11

      This is suresh doing Research on PLM from IIT Madras, Chennai. I wish to know about which language r u going to use for this project?.
      I want to become a developer to this projects.
      Please send details for becoming a developer to this project.

      MS scholar
      IIT Madras
      India- 600036
      mobile: +919884282436

      • Julian Ciccale

        Julian Ciccale - 2005-11-11

        Hi suresh, the project is currently suspended. I don't know when we will restart working on this. I'm sorry.


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