
#6 No sessions in inline deployment


We downloaded Opennop in order to perform some tests. We followed the steps provided in the web page Our topology is provided as an attachment. We added static routes for each network on both Opennop Virtual Appliances and to the WAN emulator. We requested a file (SMB) from server but unfortunately we did not see any sessions on any of the Opennop Virtual Appliances (file transfer was successful though).
As you will see in the attached image we did not use policy based routing. We just use 2 different network interfaces on each Opennop Virtual Appliance and we want to accelarate traffic passing by them.
Question 1: How do you setup inline mode (described in ? Is it necessary to setup static routes as we did or you have another approach?

Question 2: The manual does not refer any requirement for setting up static routes. Do we expect inline mode to work without setting any static routes or creating a bridge interface on the Opennop Virtual Appliances?


1 Attachments


  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-11-22


    Based on your network diagram it looks like you are using inline (routed) mode. So the OpenNOP appliance needs to know where to route traffic because its acting just like any other router in your network. A simple way to define inline (routed) mode would be any OpenNOP appliance connected to two or more unique networks.

    In inline (routed) mode you must have routes loaded onto the OpenNOP appliances. You can load the routes using any method you like (static routers, RIP, OSPF, BGP) Linux has daemons for all these routing protocols.

    Inline (bridge) mode would require a single network where OpenNOP is placed between your clients and the router. After creating the bridged interface you start the kernel module with the option mode=bridged.

    The exact command is:

    modprobe opennopdrv mode=bridged

    Some additional commands that might be helpful:

    ps aux | grep opennopd (check that the opennop daemon is running)
    lsmod | grep opennopdrv (check that the opennop kernel module is loaded)
  • vili

    vili - 2013-11-22

    We think it worked. It seems that we rebooted the VMs and we did not start the driver again. We use routed mode and next week we will try the bridged one also. I will try to provide a document to you with results and setup scenarios. By the way have you tried this on ARM appliances (eg Raspberry pi)? Is there any way we can try to do so?

  • Justin Yaple

    Justin Yaple - 2013-11-22

    Glad you got it working again and I would love to have some feedback.

    You would have to compile from source to see if it would run on ARM. I would be worried about performance on the Pi but it might work OK.

  • vili

    vili - 2013-11-22

    Thank you for your prompt response.
    Where I can find the source code of Opennop?
    Is it implemented as kernel modules? If yes I suppose I will have to follow the same procedure as any regular kernel module but perform this on Rapsberry Pi, beaglebone or whatever. Correct? (if you have any guide for this would it be possible to share?)


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