

OpenMORA logo

Open Mobile Robot Arquitecture (OpenMORA) is a MOOS and MRPT-based distributed architecture for mobile robots. It provides off-the-shelf modules for common robotics platforms and sensors, MonteCarlo Localization, reactive navigation, etc.

Where to start?

  • Documentation: An overview of the architecture and basic concepts such as modules, how to build from sources, etc.
  • Modules reference: All the modules, variables and relationships among them, browsable thanks to the tool Mooxygen. You can also skip straight to the list of all modules.
  • Browse the SVN with a WebSVN interface.

Get the code

Use Subversion to checkout a local copy:

svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/openmora/svn/trunk openmora-svn

You can also subscribe for RSS feeds on SVN commits: RSS


None yet. Please, build from sources.


OpenMORA is already open to the public, but it's in an experimental status... we warned you!